• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:7 mins read

What you will learn


Saving software and system configuration in a “Dotfiles” Git repository for an upcoming computer restoration.


Installing software in an automatable and idempotent fashion with Homebrew.


Use of various pre-installed and new command line tools, including bat, exa, git, httpie, ls, man, and more.


An introduction to a handful of applications (including VS Code, Alfred, Dropbox, GitKraken, and Snappy) and how they relate to Dotfiles.


Intermediate use of Git and GitHub in the command line and in the applications, VS Code and GitKraken.


Our Macs* are littered with hidden “dotfiles” which maintain system and application configuration information. In this course, we will:

  • learn exactly what “dotfiles” are,

  • backup these files in a Git repository,

  • start using tools to automate the bootstrapping process,

  • use Homebrew so our application installs are recorded in a remote repository,

  • learn many things about our shell, including Redirection, Standard Input / Output / Error, File Descriptors, HereDoc / HereWord, Error Codes, and more.

  • and see now Node, NPM, and Yarn fit into our Dotfiles setup (an exercise that will be similar to setting up Ruby, Java, etc.)

Along the way, we will learn how to use the Command Line and several related tools. We will start customizing our shell (with aliases, functions, variables, etc.) and replace built-in tools with projects from the open source community that improve our shell experience. Each step we take will be tied back into the larger Dotfiles concept and recorded in our repository.

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This subject is big and I have many more hours of content that I’d like to create. In addition to what’s currently available, I’m hoping to make two more installments; Part 2 would be about ZSH and Part 3 would be where we put it all together by restoring our setup on a new OS. As new content will likely come with price increases, now is the time to enroll. But whether I can continue adding material depends on the success of the current material, so please help get the word out.

* All the work in this course is done on macOS. Much of the content will be relevant to those on Unix-like systems, and less so on Windows systems.




Course Introduction

Course Introduction

Introduction to Dotfiles

What is a Dotfile?
Changing Shells to ZSH
Why do we care?
A Look at dotfiles.github.io
Our First Dotfile (.zshrc)
Create an Alias
Customize the Prompt
Write a Function
Introduction Section Conclusion

Git & Symlinks

Install Command Line Tools
Configure Git with a Private “no-reply” Email Address
Set Up SSH Part 1
Set Up SSH Part 2
Set Up SSH Part 3
Create and Clone GitHub Repository
Change, Commit, and Push Code
Move and symlink .zshrc
Setup Dotbot
Symlink with Dotbot
Run Shell Scripts with Dotbot
Git & Symlinks Section Conclusion


Install Homebrew
Create a Branch in Git
Install Packages with Homebrew Part 1 (httpie)
Install Packages with Homebrew Part 2 (bat)
Review Package Installations
Review Homebrew Installation
New Tools and the Homebrew Installation Command
Install Applications with Homebrew Part 1 (Google Chrome)
Install Applications with Homebrew Part 2 (VS Code)
Reinstall Code Binary with GUI
Add Code Binary to $PATH Variable
Create Github Issue About Conflicting Commands
What is the Heredoc?
Install Homebrew with Dotbot
Disable Gatekeeper for Casks
Switch to Brewfile Part 1
Switch to Brewfile Part 2
Play with exa
Play with Dropbox and Alfred Part 1
Play with Dropbox and Alfred Part 2
Play with Dropbox and Alfred Part 3
Install from App Store with mas-cli Part 1
Install from App Store with mas-cli Part 2
Homebrew Section Conclusion

Course Conclusion

Course 1 Conclusion