Re-explore containers from open standards perspective

What you will learn

Understanding of Open Container Standards

Hands-on experience with new container tools

Insights how containers work from inside

Realisation that Docker is just one of container tools


When someone wants to say “tissue”, quite often they would say “Kleenex”. When someone wants to say “containers”, most likely they would say “Docker” instead.

We realise that “Kleenex” is just a widely accepted name for a particular type of a paper product. If we will see a tissue from another brand, we won’t get confused, we will still know what to do with it.

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But is that the same with Docker? What do we mean by saying “Docker container”? Is it some generic container or is it something Docker specific? What about the “Docker image”? Do we know what the real tissue behind this is?

We’ve all been using Docker for so long that we stopped thinking “container” and instead we think “Docker”. In the Dockerless course you will learn to see beyond Docker – and try out a lot of new tools.

  • We’ll talk about open container standards and investigate them on practice by using half a dozen various container tools;
  • We will build container images and run containers – all without Docker;
  • We will also learn why you don’t need a container image to run a container, and why many big players, including AWS, RedHat and Google, move away from Docker – and what they rely on instead;



Course prerequisites
What’s wrong with Docker?
What is a container?
So what’s a container?

Open Container Standards

Open Container Initiative
Where container images are stored?
Container Images
Container Bundles
Container Bundle Deep Dive
Running containers with runc
runc applications
Alternative OCI runtime: crun
Container Standards Wrap Up
Open Container Standards

Dockerless Tools

Dockerfile vs Containerfile
Building images with Buildah
Rootless Containers
Buildah applications
Container Managers
Podman Basics
Podman Advanced
Podman applications
CRI-O Hands-on

Container Future

Future of Containers