• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:5 mins read

A guide for wellness and personal development. Learn how to cope with challenges in your life

What you will learn

A self development method for coping with emotional challenges

A spiritual healing method to help with everyday challenges such as stress, anger, anxiety

3500 year-old method for mental wellness extracted into one course based on the principles of Kabballah

Spiritual healing method to help with chronic illnesses such as migranges and problems in the digestive system

Practical tools to use in your every day life to cope with every day challenges


This is our  main course of our online community,

And today for a limited time you can get a peek into this course for FREE

In this course you will learn how to turn your hardships in life into success stories.

This is a spiritual journey to the depths of our mind.

Dissolving old mindsets and world views through re-wiring of our consciousness.

Get Instant Notification of New Courses on our Telegram channel.

In this course we will learn, who we are and what is our goal in this universe.

What is the reason for our hardships and why all this is happening to us

By Utilizing a 3500 year old wisdom we will learn how we are connected to this vast universe that we live in, and more over, how all of us are connected to each other.

This course is a practical, self taught course that will help you connect to your inner self, and take action from the power within you to change your life and the life of those around you

It requires hard work , but it will pay off.

This course is not magic. , you will be required to change your lifestyle in order to succeed, but once you are exposed to this incredible wisdom, you will know what is it that you have to do.

Make a change, get out of your comfort zone and invest in yourself,

The change is within you , I am just here to help you connect the your plug to the power station of this universe , that YOU are apart of.

Join us in an incredible journey – you won’t regret it




Session 01: Course introduction

Session 002 Introduction to Natural Medicine

Session 02 part 1: Introduction to Natural Medicine
Session 02 part 2 : Introduction to natural medicine
Session 02 part 3 : Introduction to Natural Medicine

Our sripitual structure part 1

Session 03 part 1: Our spiritual structure
Session 03 part 2: Our spiritual structure
Session 03 part 3: Our spiritual structure

Bonus Lecture

Bonus Lecture