Details about D-E-I-B

What you will learn

Introduction and Defining DEIB

Best Practices for Diversity

Best Practices for Inclusion

Best Practices for Equity

Best Practices for Belonging

Top-Down Driving DEIB

Bottom-Up Driving DEIB

External View of Transparency


Does your company have a diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (D-E-I-B) initiative in place?

The world of D-E-I-B can be both empowering and overwhelming at times, how can someone get started in this space?

D-E-I-B programs can have real impact on employees’ productivity and welfare.

Think about the best group you ever belonged toβ€”where you felt like everyone cared about you, understood you, and valued you as a part of the group.

That is the kind of environment that promotes sharing, innovation, and growth.

Managers and executives should tune in for special tips on embedding D-E-I-B in the employee experience.

Leaders should leverage data and metrics to help drive D-E-I-B ROI in organizations as successful D-E-I-B appears and feels different in every organization, learn how to customize DEIB metrics to match your growth needs and workforce strategy.

In this course you will learn about many topics as below.

-how to drive the conversation on D-E-I-B, hire and retain diverse talent, listen to employees

-how to identify and evaluate specific metrics to validate D-E-I-B effectiveness

-ways to overcome roadblocks to collecting data and making real change

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-how to establish core data and metrics to affect your organization’s talent strategy

-translate employee feedback into goals and metrics

-how you can best manage expectations around organizational change and integrate D-E-I-B into your employee lifecycle

-how you can play an important role in D-E-I-B

-key terminology and the business case for diversity, then dives into best practices for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

-how biases can impact recruiting and hiring

-the importance of inclusive communication, sponsorship, and mentorship

-why belonging matters

-how to interrupt microaggressions

-how to evaluate your organization for transparency and accountability

Everyone has a role to play in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (D-E-I-B) practices!



DEIB Introduction & Benefits

DEIB Basics
Benefits of DEIB

Best Practices for Diversity

Recruiting Bias “Like Me” Prevention
Hiring Bias “Like Me” Prevention

Best Practices for Equity

Workplace Equity
Transparency and Accountability Evaluation
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) as an Equity Metrics

Best Practices for Inclusion

Interrupting Bias
Inclusive Communication
Sponsorship and Mentorship

Best Practices for Belonging

The Important of Belonging
Supporting Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Final Thoughts

Practical DEIB
Applying to Match Your Organization Goals