• Post category:StudyBullet-8
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Continuous Integration, What is Docker? , Continuous Deployment, Istio, Continuous Delivery, DevSecOps, and More Here

What you will learn


How we got to DevOps

Continuous Integration

CI, agile and DevOps

Open source continuous integration tools

Use case


The importance of testing

Continuous integration pipeline

Best practices


Continuous Deployment

Continuous deployment tools

Working with Kubernetes,


What are containers?

What is Docker?

What does Kubernetes do?

Kubernetes vs. Docker

Kubernetes architecture

Istio service mesh


Istio and Kubernetes

Knative and serverless computing

Continuous Delivery

Continuous pipeline/framework

Continuous deployment vs. Continuous delivery


Agile and DevOps

How DevOps works: The DevOps lifecycle

DevOps culture

DevOps tools: Building a DevOps toolchain

DevOps and cloud-native development

DevOps and site reliability engineering (SRE)


Benefits of DevSecOps


IBM takes a broad and holistic view and sees DevOps as a business-driven software delivery approachΒ  β€” an approach that takes a new or enhanced business capability from an idea all the way to production, providing business value to customers in an efficient manner and capturing feedback as customers engage with the capability.

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DevOps is an approach based on lean and agile principles in which business owners and the development, operations, and quality assurance departments collaborate to deliver software in a continuous manner that enables the business to more quickly seize market opportunities and reduce the time to include customer feedback.

In this practice test, you will see-DevOps, How we got to DevOps, Continuous Integration, CI, agile and DevOps, Open source continuous integration tools, Use case, Servers, The importance of testing, Continuous integration pipeline, Best practices, Agile, Continuous Deployment, Continuous deployment tools, Working with Kubernetes, Kubernetes, What are containers?, What is Docker?, What does Kubernetes do?, Kubernetes vs. Docker, Kubernetes architecture, Istio service mesh, Istio, Istio and Kubernetes, Knative and serverless computing, Continuous Delivery, Continuous pipeline/framework, Continuous deployment vs. Continuous delivery, Tools, Agile and DevOps, How DevOps works: The DevOps lifecycle, DevOps culture, DevOps tools: Building a DevOps toolchain, DevOps and cloud-native development, DevOps and site reliability engineering (SRE), DevSecOps, and Benefits of DevSecOps. You will find the 197 questions (110+87 questions 83+66 minute’s, multiple choice questions, 149 minutes). You can make your notes of all questions and you can find the excellent knowledge (answer available of all questions).
