• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Types of objectives, SMART Objectives, Ethical Considerations

What you will learn

Understand the importance of clear research objectives in guiding the research process

Define and articulate research problems effectively.

Formulate research questions that align with the research problem.

Develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) research objectives.

Evaluate and refine research objectives based on feasibility and relevance.

Apply practical strategies and techniques for framing research objectives.

Enhance critical thinking skills for objective development


Research is an organized and systematic investigation of a problem where an investigator attempts to gain solution to a problem. In order to get the right solution clearly defined objectives are important. A clearly defined objective directs a researcher in the right direction. Without a clear objective a researcher is aimless and directionless in conducting the study. Without focused objectives no clear scientific findings can be expected.

The course on “Developing and Framing Research Objectives” is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the process of formulating clear and focused research objectives. Participants will learn the importance of well-defined research objectives in guiding the research process, setting clear expectations, and ensuring research outcomes align with the intended purpose. The course will cover various techniques and strategies for developing effective research objectives, including defining the research problem, identifying research questions, and aligning objectives with research methodologies.

Apart from this the course will elaborate on Refining research objectives based on research constraints and how to take care ofΒ  ethical considerations while framing objectives.

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By the end of this course, participants will be able to Understand the importance of clear research objectives in guiding the research process, Develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) research objectives, Evaluate and refine research objectives based on feasibility ,relevance andΒ  ethical considerations .

Target Audience:

  • Researchers from various disciplines
  • Graduate students
  • Professionals involved in research projects
  • Anyone interested in enhancing their research objective development skills


Welcome and Introduction to the course

Welcome and Introduction to the course

What is a Research Objective

What is a Research Objective

Types of research objectives

Types of research objectives

Why are research objectives important

Why are research objectives important

How to frame the right research objectives

How to frame the right research objectives
5b-Aligning Objectives with Research Questions

Refining research objectives based on research constraints

Refining research objectives based on research constraints

Considering ethical considerations while framing objectives

Considering ethical considerations while framing objectives

Conclusion and Reading materials

Conclusion and Reading materials