Prepare for Microsoft Designing Azure Infrastructure Solutions AZ-305 exam | 100 + labs | 27 hours + Quiz
What you will learn
Learn how to manage Azure services and prepare yourself for Az-305 exam
With the passing the AZ-104 Exam you become certified as Azure Solutions Architect Expert
Learn how to secure and manage Azure services
Learn how to create, update, delete Azure resources
Why take this course?
Welcome to a new course where we’ll teach you everything you need to prepare and learn all about designing an Azure infrastructure. In this course you will learn to create, work with and delete resources. In addition to the Entra Id service, we will learn in detail, but also remind you, about virtual machines, networking, storage service, we will learn about Azure database services, containers and its services, messaging services and all other content that you need to prepare for the exam, and all that with lots of demos.
As we have already said azure administration, the AZ-104 exam is one of the most difficult and extensive certifications, according to many who have taken and prepared for the exam, so this course is a logical continuation. Unlike the previous courses, AZ-900 and AZ-104, in which you could learn everything about Azure administration as well as get acquainted with the basic services in Azure, in the course on designing Azure infrastructure we will go into the very core of the rest of the services, which we will explain in detail, and not only that.
If you plan to follow all the practical exercises with us, it is recommended to open a free Azure account, so that you can learn and understand what we are talking about more easily.