Toolkit for Creative Problem-Solving

What you will learn

Explain the concept of design thinking and its core principles.

Develop user personas to represent your target audience.

Create user journey maps to visualize user experiences.

Utilize empathy mapping to understand user needs, emotions, and pain points. pen_spark

Employ the “5 Whys” technique to uncover root causes of problems.

Apply fishbone analysis to identify potential causes of a problem. pen_spark

Craft clear and concise problem statements using design thinking principles. pen_spark

Utilize the problem framing canvas to structure your problem definition process. pen_spark

Utilize SCAMPER, mind mapping, and other ideation techniques to generate creative solutions. pen_spark

Employ the effort vs. impact matrix to assess solution feasibility. pen_spark

Apply the MoSCoW method to categorize solution features based on necessity. pen_spark

Leverage the Kano model to understand user preferences and prioritize features. pen_spark

Identify common prototyping terminologies and techniques. pen_spark

Explain the purpose and common methods of user testing. pen_spark

Why take this course?

In the “Design Thinking and Innovation” course, participants will embark on a journey into the realm of creative problem-solving and innovation. This course goes beyond traditional methodologies, emphasizing a human-centered approach to tackle complex challenges effectively. Participants will learn to harness the power of empathy to deeply understand user needs and preferences, crucial for designing solutions that resonate.

The course begins with an exploration of the foundational principles of Design Thinking, distinguishing it from conventional problem-solving methods. Through interactive sessions, participants will delve into techniques for ideation, such as brainstorming, SCAMPER, and mind mapping, enabling them to generate diverse and inventive ideas.

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Further, the course covers essential tools for problem-framing and solution development, including user persona creation, empathy mapping, and the formulation of precise problem statements using frameworks like the Problem Framing Canvas. Participants will also master the art of prototyping, employing various methods to quickly iterate and refine their ideas.

Testing and validation form another critical component of the course, where participants will learn how to conduct effective tests to gather feedback and refine prototypes. Real-world case studies and practical challenges will provide insights into applying Design Thinking principles across different industries and scenarios.

By the end of the course, participants will have gained a comprehensive toolkit for driving innovation, equipped with skills to navigate from ideation to implementation while maintaining a focus on human-centered design principles. Whether aspiring innovators or seasoned professionals, this course empowers individuals to lead change and create impactful solutions in today’s dynamic world.
