Data Science: Relationships In Data With Microsoft Excel
What you will learn
Visualize a relationship with scatter plots
Quantify strength of relationship with Pearson correlation coefficient
Identify time lags in relationships
Quantify direction of relationship with Pearson correlation coefficient
Why take this course?
Data Science: Relationships In Data With Excel
We live in a society in which information is becoming the new gold. Data is precious and obviously, just like a precious diamond is treated with care, we also wish to treat our data with care. There are many ways in which we can analyze data and obtain valuable insights. This course focuses on one specific technique that can be used, namely a technique that is referred to as the Pearson product moment correlation technique and which yields the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. This coefficient tells us something about relationships in our data. Once we know that certain relationships exist between certain variables, we can use that to our advantage. Imagine for instance that you know which variables have a strong relationships to your sales, or to the price of your crypto or stock. You can use that information to make better decisions.
This short course is set up in such a way that it maximizes accessibility. You do not need a background in mathematics or statistics to keep up. You are also welcome to join with every single version of Excel. All are welcome to join.
We wish you good luck with this course!
Team SSAA (Six Sigma Academy Amsterdam)