• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Develop software with Low-Code

What you will learn

Build and publish web applications for data manipulation (register, change, remove, consult) on a relational basis using the Cronapp tool.


This course covers the main concepts of Cronapp, going through the initial steps such as creating the project, connecting to the database, concept of applications and creating functional examples of a real application. The course lasts an average of 2 hours and was created to give developers the opportunity to program in a simpler and faster way.

In this course we will explain the four basic structures of Cronapp: data diagram, security permission, form editing and programming blocks.

The course was recorded in version 2.8 of Cronapp. You can check for updates using the updated documentation with the latest tool features.

Cronapp uses is a hybrid tool. It uses open standards that are already consolidated in the market. Below the low-code interface, the code executed is Java, JPA, Spring, AngularJS, BootStrap. Cronapp wants to make life easier for the developer. Repetitive tasks have to be automatic. It has to be easy to use. We are a family owned and operated business.

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To ensure rapid evolution with community collaboration, extensibility is critical. In Cronapp anyone can create new controls, services and blocks for their own use or to distribute to other Cronapp users, free or not.

Cronapp can also be used as an excellent tool for prototyping.



Starting Development in IDE
Cronapp Tour
Starting the First Project – Get Started
Starting the Project
Security Permission
Security Permissions
Data Diagram
Data Model – Diagram
Generate Persistence Layer
Creation of CRUD views
Programming Blocks
Blockly Datasource Settings
Programming Blocks
Web and Mobile Views
Setting up Students Web Menu
Component Menu
Setting up Administrators Web Menu
Setting up Students Mobile Menu
Data Sources
Setting up the Web Booking Page
Components linked to data in Cronapp: Grid
Setting up the Mobile Booking Page
Components linked to data in Cronapp: List
Testing the Application
Testing the Application
Ways to Test Application