• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Personalized Currency For Gamers, Streamers, and Content Creators

What you will learn

Set up a digital wallet

Add the polygon blockchain and test network to your wallet

Create a basic smart contract using solidity and remix

Create a ERC20 smart contract with your own cryptocurrency name and as many coins as you want

Send and receive your cryptocurrency to other wallets

Fund your wallet inexpensively to keep your transaction costs low


If you have always wanted to have your own cryptocurrency, then this course is for you.  In this short course, you will learn absolutely everything that you need to know in order to create your own customized cryptocurrency on the Polygon blockchain and it will cost you literal pennies.  From setting up your Metamask wallet to developing and deploying a basic smart contract, you will quickly have your own cryptocurrency up and running.   With tips and tricks that will save your time and money, you will have your own smart contract written and deployed in less than an afternoon.  If you have a computer with internet access, I will show you how to generate a personalized cryptocurrency and send it to another wallet for literal pennies.  Looking for a gift for that person who already has everything?  Make your DaveCoin and send a million of them to your friend’s digital wallet.  You don’t have to share that it only costs you a few cents to create.  Not only is this process inexpensive, but it requires no prior programming knowledge or cryptocurrency experience.  With easy steps and time saving hacks (including a smart contract template) you could have millions of your own cryptocurrency in your free and secure digital wallet in less than an hour.

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Introduction and Digital Wallet Setup

Introduction and Digital Wallet Setup

Adding Polygon and Mumbai Testnet to Metamask

Adding Polygon and Mumbai Testnet to Metamask

How to Get MATIC on the Polygon Network (for cheap!)

How to Get MATIC on the Polygon Network (for cheap!)

Building Your ERC20 Contract In Remix

Building Your ERC20 Contract In Remix

Testing And Deploying Your Contract

Testing And Deploying Your Contract
Problem Solved And Conclusion