Create  A Crisis Plan
Work out what to do before things go wrong

What you will learn

How to make and use a crisis plan

The steps to take to ensure future mental stability

What to do in a crisis

How to help others create a crisis plan


Safeguard your mental health!

If you have a mental illness or just struggle with life some times, a crisis plan is a must. It outlines what you would like to occur when you are going through a mental health emergency. It acts as a trigger for action that when implemented, takes you through the steps necessary to get the help that you may need.

In this course you will learn how to create a crisis plan, what it should contain, who should be informed about it, and how to use it. You will also have access to my own crisis plan (in the resources of the first video), to use as a point of reference.

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It is vital that you plan for the bad times when you are in a good mental space. Make a crisis plan now, so that it is available for when you need it – it could literally save your life.

This course will also encourage you to talk about your crisis plan with friends and family. This will help to ensure that they are both there for you when needed, but also, and importantly, that they know what to do when they help.

Lets start making your crisis plan now!





Creating A Crisis Plan

Get A Therapist
My Crisis Plan
External Interventions
Writing The Plan
Easy Access
What Is & Isn’t A Crisis Plan
Class Project

Recap & Review

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