COVID-19 and Employment Rights and Obligations
Guidance for Employers, Employees and Workers around COVID-19 Dismissals and Discrimination

What you will learn

What are Employees’ rights during COVID-19?

What are the relevant rules and regulations?

What actions Employers and Employees can take in respect of dismissals from work?


Hello and welcome to this essential course for anyone and everyone who is affected by the employment law.

The lockdown is easing down. Employers will be struggling to keep employing people after the government stop paying for the employees under the furlough scheme. This course is more relevant to what is likely to develop after the lockdown. For a number of years to come, there is likely to be litigation connected to the current COVID-19 situation and this course has been developed while keeping that progress in mind.

You may be one of those employees who might be at risk of redundancy. Given that this is going to be the main reason, you need to know how the law of redundancy works and how this will be applied in the context of furlough scheme and covid-19 situation.

There is very limited guidance available as to how the Tribunals will interpret the laws around COVID-19. However, if you are aware of the fundamentals, you will be in a way better position to assess your chances of success.

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This course is going to help you learn and understand fundamental rules and regulations around the current situation including health and safety dismissals.

While this course deals with some background due to the prevailing situation in section 1, the emphasis of this course is on the situation that is likely to develop after the lockdown is over and how those may be linked to the prevailing situation. Hence all of the sections from Section 2 onwards deal with the Employment Rights in relation to COVID-19 situation.

My name is Tufail Hussain, I am a researcher in online legal learning and have extensive experience of advising employers and employees in a range of cases from unfair dismissals to serious cases of discrimination on the basis of sex, race, disability and religion as a specialist employment law consultant.

I am going to teach you this course and leave you with important information that should provide you with a sound basis to protect your rights.





Working During COVID-19 Pandemic

Employer’s Obligations during COVID-19
Testing Staff for Coronavirus Symptoms
Working from Home [Some Practical Tips]
Videolink Meetings [Some Practical Tips]

Financial Support Schemes for Employees, Employers and Self-Employed Persons

What is Furlough Scheme and who is Eligible Employee?
Financial Support for Self-employed Workers: Self-Employed Income Support Scheme
Help for Employers: Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme

COVID-19, Sickness and Sick Pay Issues

If you have Symptoms of COVID-19
Infected Employees
Employers Reporting Obligation to Health & safety Executive (HSE) England

Time Off Work

Caring Responsibilities
Annual Leave
Other Legal Rights to Leave Workers can Request
Refusal by Employee or his/her Inability to Work

Changes to your Employment Terms

Changes to your Employment Terms

COVID-19 and Redundancy Dismissals

What is Redundancy?
Redundancy and Employer’s Duty to Consult
Redundancy Related Payments

Lay-Offs and Short Time Working

Lay-Offs and Short Time Working
Alternative Cost Saving Measures for Employers

Health and Safety Issues at Work [Inc. Dismissals]

Health & Safety At Work and Employment Rights
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Workplace
Mental Health
Pregnant Healthcare Workers

Discrimination Issues

Claims Likely to Arise from COVID-19 Situation
Discrimination Claims: Brief Overview
Whistleblowing Claims
Clinically ‘Vulnerable’ and ‘Extremely Vulnerable’ Employees
How Discrimination may occur during COVID-19?

Taking Legal Action

Risky Areas of Legal Actions by Employees
Bringing a Claim
Data Privacy for Employees
Link to Start Process via Acas
Link to Submit Claim to Employment Tribunals

Compensation and Pay Rates

Tribunal Awards and National Minimum/Living Wage NMW/NLW
Other Important Changes

Remember these Points

Remember these Points