Introduction to the colors used in interior design

What you will learn

Students will have learn how different colors associate with different emotions in interior design

Students will develop the understanding of color consideration in interior design

students will able to understand the relationship between color and Gender

They will have understanding of how color can communicate the mood of the brands to customers

They will have also idea about what is pantone colors and the pantone color of the year

Student will able to work successfully with color.

They will understand color mixing in any given scenario


This course covers the various aspect of colors and their significance in interior design. We also discuss Interior consideration in color design. Further, in which, we will discuss more elaborately the following topics :

1. Setting the emotional tone or ambiance of the space:- colors have different application; it is also used to set the emotional tone, or ambiance of any space colors can make us feels different emotions, such as if anyone used The cool and somber green, grey and black makes the air calmly sophisticated.

2. Modulating the space to feel larger:- It is exciting to observe that two identical spaces can give a different feeling with the help of color choices we make, such as a light color space feels larger than a space with a darker color.

3. Modulating the space to feel smaller:- In contrast to the point above, a darker space feels smaller and congested than the lighter one just because of the color used in the interior.

4. Breaking up and defining the space:- With the help of colors, we can create a space within a space, make space a particular space highlighted, emphasizing it can help occupant navigate the important area with ease.

5. Unifying the space and knitting it together:- colors can also help unify a space together as a monochromatic color scheme can be used to show unity and harmony.

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We will also discuss how different genders perceive color.

Color can be a powerful tool to communicate the β€œmood” of the brand to customers. We all know that first impressions matter, and in the case of first-time shoppers discovering your store, your choice of color can be a great tool in communicating your brand’s ethos. Such food joints like McDonald’s and KFC use red color predominantly in their brand and packaging as the color red makes you feel hungry and increase appetite.

The brand identity matters in color scheme selection, While it is necessary to know the general effect of colors on consumer psychology, we must also consider the type of store we run and the ambiance we wish to create there.

Color can help you perfect store design and layout; the color palette used throughout the store also plays an important role in attracting customers.

We will also discuss what are Pantone colors and Pantone colors in-depth and how they help in interior design with the help of examples.



Colors in interior Design

Setting the emotional tone or ambiance of the space
Modulating the space to feel larger
Modulating the space to feel smaller
Breaking up and defining the space
Relationship between gender and color
Color can be a powerful tool to communicate the β€œmood” of your brand to customer
The brand identity matters in color scheme selection
Color can help you perfect store design and layout
Pantone colors