• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Learn to build a Full Stack Kotlin and Angular Application in No Time

What you will learn

Learn how to use Kotlin with Spring Boot

Learn how to build a RESTful Web Service

Learn how to use React to consume JSON Data

Learn to build a Full Stack Application


If you’re tired of long courses and just want to learn basic web development this course is for you. This course was built with the goal of teaching the students how to use Kotlin, Spring Boot, and Angular. It focuses heavily on designing a backend RESTful Web Service with CRUD functionality that sends data to an Angular Ionic Application.  This is an entry-level course that focuses on building and reinforcing some of the techniques used by developers to build a full-stack application.

In this course, we start by learning what tools you need to create a full-stack Before taking this course, it is recommended that you have an understanding of skills such as Javascript, Kotlin, Java, Basic SQL, or ORM development. If not we’ll touch on some of those topics early in the course but it is still recommended to have a better understanding.

When going through this course you may come across subjects that you are familiar with as well as those that are completely new to you.

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Some of the topics touched upon include

  • Angular
  • Ionic
  • Child Components
  • HTTP Requests with Fetch
  • CRUD Methods
  • Kotlin Programming Language
  • Spring Boot
  • Database Migrations
  • ORMs

When taking this course, please know that you can take your time because you will get access to support along the way. By the time you finish this course, you should feel comfortable creating a full-stack web application with Angular, Kotlin, and Spring Boot.



Create Kotlin Spring Boot Project
Install Java
Install IntelliJ
Create Kotlin Spring Boot Project
Connect Database to Spring Boot
Add Kotlin JPA Entities to Spring Boot
Add Kotlin Controller to Spring Boot
Add Get Request Methods to Spring Boot
Add Update Request Methods to Spring Boot
Add Delete Request Methods to Spring Boot
Build Ionic Project
Install Ionic CLI
Install Capacitor HTTP
Create HTTP Todo Service
Create and Update HTTP Requests
Find Todos HTTP Requests
Delete Todos Request
Examine HomeComponent
Create UI for Todos Form
Submit Form Validation
Create TodoComponent
Build Todo Component
Todolist Inputs
Finish Todolist