Hack your confidence and self-esteem from scratch, complete course with powerful mind tools and exercises.
What you will learn
Use goal setting and time management to have more self-confidence in getting what you desire
Apply neuroplasticity and the power of the mind to hack your brain for positive behavioural changes
Be more aware of unfavourable behavioural and thinking patterns that sabotage your accomplishments
Anchor positive emotions to bring a positive state of mind in any given situation and project self-confidence
Recognise peak states of mind and body and use them for energy and motivation to accomplish your goals
Hack your brain learn how to rewire your brain with neuroplasticity
Our instructors have over 10 years of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and being successful in their careers, they are now passionate about helping others access a life of freedom, passion and motivation by teaching them how to have higher self esteem and belief in themselves. We apply the principles of neuroplasticity – the ‘muscle building’ part of the brain to effectively help you take control of your mind and emotions and optimize your personal growth and success in all other areas of your life too.
At the end of this course, with the tools and knowledge you gain, you will be able to rewire your brain towards more physical strength and self-esteem, and daily motivation and energy that will all allow you to feel more motivated to accomplish what you desire in life.
Course content
The course consists of 6 sections and 23 video lectures that give you engaging real life examples to better understand each neuroplasticity principle, followed by step by step guidance from our instructors on how to use each mind hacking tool in your daily life.
WeΒ will teach you the following concepts:
Goal Setting and Time Management
Neuroplasticity and brain programming for success
The Power of the Mind
The Power of Self-Awareness and Self-Image
Brain Hacking for positive behavioral changes
The Meaning of Accomplishments
Anchoring of positive emotions
Proven techniques to achieve a constant positive state of mind
Peak states of mind and body that you can use for daily energy
Going from 0 to 100 in your self-confidence and self-esteem will help you become more focused and efficient in your workplace, more committed in your relationships and more motivated to accomplish what you desire in life. We will teach you easy to apply tools that you can use daily to have more energy, overcome anger, anxiety and manage stress.