• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:4 mins read

What you will learn

How to find the right audience on Linkedin

How to find the right thing to sell on Linkedin

How to customize your message and approch your prospects

How to manage your prospects with your clients


Hi, my name is Nevo, and I am the CEO of one of the leading companies for cold outreach and automation – Linvo.

During my time in Linvo, I have achieved outstanding results for our clients and generated millions of dollars using Linkedin automation.

Today we have over 10,000 customers using our platform and generating thousands of dollars every month.

And you can do it too.

Linkedin has around ​​55 million registered companies.

There are tons of deals happening over Linkedin, millions of dollars.

How can you come and grab some of this money?

What can you possibly do?

How can you take your / customers business and take it to the next level, leaving your competitors behind?

This course will show you how you can make money and how to do it.

Get Instant Notification of New Courses on our Telegram channel.

We will focus on:

– Finding your audience:

How to find your audience and find the audience niches for better customization.

– Offer:

What should we offer our audience to listen to us? We all know that direct selling will never work, so how can we tackle it?.

– Customization:

We can customize our approach, warm up our prospects, write the right message, and add gifs and unique images to get a higher conversion.





How to find your audience on Linkedin

How to find your audience on Linkedin
How to find your audeince on Linkedin – LIVE

What does your audience want

What does your audience want

What are Linkedin PVAs and how to use them

What are Linkedin PVAs and how to use them
What are Linkedin PVAs and how to use them – LIVE

How to build your message

How to build your message
How to build your message – LIVE

Linvo Demo

Linvo Demo

Integrate your outreach with your customers

Integrate your outreach with your customers