• Post category:StudyBullet-8
  • Reading time:7 mins read

AWS Account | AWS Free Tier | AWS Cloud Infrastructure | AWS Regions | EC2 | IAM | S3 | AWS Security and Compliance

What you will learn

Introduction to AWS

How to sign up for AWS, AWS Free Tier, How to set up AWS budget alert

Serverless Computing, AWS Serverless Stack, Function-as-a-Service

AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure, AWS Regions, AWS Availability Zones

Quiz on various topics

Introduction to AWS security and compliance

High-level overview of many popular AWS Services


This course is about AWS Introduction. You will learn to sign up for an AWS account, AWS free tier, EC2, IAM, S3, AWS security, and many other related concepts. The course is a good blend of theory and hands-on.

You will get a conceptual understanding of what AWS is, and its overview.Β  Then you will understand the types of services offered by AWS and AWS’s advantages.

Then the next section is about the AWS account. In this section, you will learn how to sign up for an AWS account, budget alert, best practices for an AWS root account, set up MFA, AWS free tier, AWS Billing & Cost Management Dashboard, and access the AWS platform.

The following section talks about AWS cloud infrastructure, AWS regions, and availability zones.

The next section is about EC2. EC2 is an abbreviated form of Elastic Compute Cloud.Β  First, you will learn what EC2 is, how to launch an EC2 instance, set up a web server, and other related concepts about EC2.

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The following section is about IAM. IAM is an abbreviated form of Identity and Access Management. In this section, you will learn how to create an AWS user, attach an IAMΒ policy and generate keys, which are required to access AWS programmatically.

The next section is about S3.Β  S3 is an abbreviated form of Simple Storage Service. First, you will get an introduction to S3. You will gain hands-on knowledge about the S3 bucket and how to upload objects on S3.

The following section is about the introduction to AWS security and compliance.

The final section is about the AWS cloud computing platform, which will provide you with an introduction to the AWS cloud computing platform covering many popular AWS services.




What is AWS
What is AWS
Types of Services AWS Offers
AWS Advantages
AWS Advantages
AWS Cloud History
Section Quiz

AWS Account

Sign up for AWS Account
Sign up for AWS Account
Troubleshooting AWS Account Activation
Set Up Budget Alert
Set Up Budget Alert
Best Practices for AWS Root Account
Best Practices for AWS Root Account
How to Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication or MFA to AWS Account
How to Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication
AWS Free Tier
AWS Free Tier
AWS Billing and Cost Management Dashboard
AWS Billing and Cost Management Dashboard
Accessing AWS Platform
Accessing AWS Platform
Section Quiz

AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure

AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure
AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure
AWS Regions
AWS Regions
AWS Availability Zones
AWS Availability Zones
Section Quiz

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

Introduction to EC2
Introduction to EC2
Choose AMI (Amazon Machine Image)
Choose Instance Type
Configure Instance Detail
Add Storage & Tags
Configure Security Group
Review and Launch
Test the Launched EC2 Instance
How to ssh to EC2 Instance and Terminate Instance
EC2 Instance Launch and ssh connection
Section Quiz

AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)

IAM Introduction
IAM Introduction
Section Quiz

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)

Introduction to S3
Introduction to S3
S3 Bucket and Upload Object to S3
S3 Bucket and Upload Object to S3
Section Quiz

Introduction to AWS Security and Compliance

Introduction to AWS Security and Compliance
Introduction to AWS Security and Compliance
Section Quiz

AWS Cloud Computing Platform

AWS Cloud Computing Platform
AWS Cloud Computing Platform
Section Quiz