• Post category:StudyBullet-12
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Struggling to pry them apart? this course is for you.

What you will learn

The basic myths and facts about autism

The basic myths and facts about ADHD

How autism and ADHD differ

How the ADHD mind focuses and organises information

Strategies and resources that can help


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism often go together and can easily be confused for one another. It can be hard being a parent to know which is causing the most difficulty and what you need to use strategies for. So what is the difference between them?

My name is Loren Snow, I’ve taught tens of thousands of parents of autistic and ADHD children and have worked with many organisations such as Public Health England, The National Autistic Society and NHS England. I work with lots of patients in hospitals where their ADHD needs are never addressed, their behaviours confused for aggression and masked with medication. With my personal insights and my own autism and ADHD to guide me I hope to help you understand both these conditions better.

In this short course, we’ll cover many similarities between the two. We’ll also look at many simple strategies you can start straight away that should help.

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I’ll share with you a brief overview about:

  • The myths and facts of both
  • How the brain processes information differently
  • Strategies to help someone learn and navigate the world
  • Associated conditions
  • The senses role in behaviour

Let’s face it, they can both seem complicated; it can be confusing to pry them apart. So if you’re struggling to figure it out and need a simple overview, then this is the perfect introduction course for you.




Intro Video
Introduction to me and the course

What is Autism?

Autism myths and facts
Empathy & Theory of Mind


ADHD myths and facts
ADHD and processing information “Executive Functions”

Some Differences

Social and communication differences
Sensory and Emotions
Conditions that often occur with ADHD and Autism