Speak Arabic Confidently & Correctly: Learn Formal Arabic and Spoken Arabic like Arabs by an Arabic expert (20+ years)
☑ Learn Formal Arabic and Spoken Arabic at the same time and sound like an Arab
☑ Read Arabic voweled books and write Arabic like an Arab starting Now
☑ NEW and UNIQUE formula to help you convert Modern Standard Arabic into Spoken Arabic
☑ Tips on how to learn Arabic fast
☑ Learn Arabic grammar and Arabic conjugation
☑ Speak the Arabic that all Arabic speakers can speak and understand
Marhaba (Hello and welcome)!
My name is Nezha, and welcome to Arabic 4 U!
After taking this online Arabic language course, you will start to:
- Speak Arabic with Arabic speakers from around the world
- Understand Formal Arabic called Modern Standard Arabic MSA or FushaArabic speakers learn Modern Standard Arabic in school.It is used in Arabic books, Arabic news, Arabic documentaries, Arabic road signs, and Arabic formal speeches.
- Make sentences in the Arabic language on your own
- Speak the version of the Arabic language called “White Dialect of Arabic” that Arabic speakers from different countries speak and understand.
- Understand Arabic Grammar and Arabic Conjugation.Understanding Arabic grammar and Arabic conjugation will allow you to learn Arabic quickly. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
The biggest mistakes you may make as an Arabic learner are:
- Not getting the ROAD MAP or the GPS for your Arabic learning journeyThis mistake will make you waste a lot of time and energy in addition to feeling frustrated just like when you get lost on the road This Arabic course will help you avoid all of that by giving you:
- A clear road map and GPS so you don’t waste time and energy and get frustrated
- Every step you need to succeed in learning Arabic so you can speak Arabic confidently and fluently in a short period of time
- Tips that help you speak Arabic with Arabic speakers from around the world
- Learning the non spoken formal Arabic and trying to use it to speak with Arabic speakers Most Arabic courses teach you the non spoken formal Arabic called Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)or “Fushaa” in its pure form. Pure Modern Standard Arabic is what Arabic speakers learn in school. It is used in Arabic books, Arabic news, documentaries, and Arabic formal speeches. It is not spoken in its pure form.However, Arabic speakers use a CONVERTED version of Modern Standard Arabic to communicate with each other when they do not speak the same dialect or if they want to target all Arabic countries.Since they were no formulas or techniques that teach Arabic learners how to convert Pure Modern Standard Arabic into spoken Arabic, I decided to develop and create these formulas and techniques for my private Arabic students.
During my 20+ years working as an Arabic linguist, teacher, translator, and interpreter, I researched the way Arabic speakers convert Modern Standard Arabic into Spoken Arabic and created these formulas and techniques.
In this Arabic course, I will share these formulas and techniques with you. I will teach you:
- Pure Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and
- How to convert this non spoken formal Arabic (MSA) into Spoken Arabic
- Learning Arabic words and Arabic phrases here and there without learning how the Arabic language works By learning Arabic in an unorganized way, you will never master any topic. Therefore, you will not progress quickly. This Arabic course will teach you one topic at a time so you can master one topic before you jump to the next. It uses a method called Spiral Method which helps you build on what you already know.
This online Arabic course uses methods which help you learn Arabic and remember what you have learned
- A spiral learning method meaning that you will learn Arabic vocabulary, sentence construction in the Arabic language, Arabic grammar and Arabic conjugation by mastering one topic at a time.
Some Arabic courses teach you an Arabic word and an Arabic phrase there which leaves you confused on how and when to use them.
In this Arabic course you will learn everything you need to talk about a certain topic.
- Colors to help you learn Arabic easily, and retain the information you have learned in this online Arabic course, especially if you are a visual learner. Our brains retain information when it is written in different colors, especially in bright colors or colors you personally like.
- Repetition of Arabic words, Arabic phrases, and Arabic rules to help you learn and retain Arabic pronunciation, Arabic vocabulary and Arabic rules, especially if you are an auditory learner. An auditory learner is someone who learns by listening.
Bonus: I will support you during your Arabic learning journey.
- I will share with you the Arabic material I use to teach my private students.
- I am available to answer all your Arabic questions.
- I will be creating more courses for you so I can help you step by step master any type of Arabic you would like.
I am here to help you step by step become fluent in Arabic.
I am here to help you step by step speak Arabic confidently.
Just send me a message on the discussion board and I will answer you as soon as possible.
I check my messages every day before I start teaching my private students who are government employees and officials, business people, healthcare providers and many more.
Take your first step to become fluent in Arabic!
Join the thousands of students I have taught who became fluent in Arabic!
Start your first step to speaking Arabic confidently!
Successful people have a habit of starting right away.
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Let’s go! Yallah! Sign up!
See you in the first video!
Teacher’s qualifications
Countries where some form of Arabic is spoken
Versions of Arabic
How to read Arabic
Introduction to Arabic alphabet
Arabic alphabet Part 1: Names of Arabic letters
Arabic alphabet Part 2: Sounds pf Arabic letters
Types of “t” taa marbooTah & taa mabsooTah: التّاء المربوطة والتّاء المبسوطة
Short vowels: Tips to help you pronounce shorts vowels in Arabic correctly
Short Vowels: **tanween** What is tanween & where it is not allowed
Long Vowels: حروف المدّ: What are long vowels & how many are there?
Shaddah, Hamza of connection
Greetings: Learn the most common ways to say *Hello & bye in MSA & Spoken Arabic
Hello used by Muslims whether they are religious or not: “Peace be upon you”.
Vocabulary: Hello used by Muslims
Rules: Hello used by Muslims
Quiz: Make your own Arabic sentence! How would you say: “And upon you peace”?
“And upon you peace” in Formal Arabic & Spoken Arabic.
*Hello* Commonly used by all Arabic speakers + rules to convert MSA to Spoken
Another Common way to say ** Hello ** understood and used by all Arabic speakers
Another Common way to say ** Hello ** used & understood by Arabic speakers
Another phrase to say *Hello – Welcome – Nice to meet you in Formal Arabic
** Hello **** Welcome ** ** Nice to meet you **** used by all Arabic speakers
** Good morning *** in Formal Arabic & Spoken Arabic used by all Arabic speakers
Quiz: ** Make your own Arabic sentence! ** How would you say: ** Good evening**?
** Good evening ** in Formal Arabic & Spoken Arabic used by all Arabic speakers
** Goodbye ** in Formal Arabic & Spoken Arabic meaning “With safety”
Conversation from A to Z when you meet someone, getting to know each other
Pronouns: 1st, 2d, 3d person اَلضَّمَائِر
*** I, we, he, she *** Arabic Subject Pronouns: اَلضَّمَائِر: A[l]DDamaa’i’r
*** You *** Arabic Subject Pronoun(s): اَلضَّمَائِر
Tips: How to remember the Arabic Pronouns easily
Now you can guess the Arabic Pronoun(s) ** They ** on your own before I tell you
Find out if you have guessed the Arabic Pronoun(s): *** They *** correctly
** I speak ** We speak ** in MSA & how to convert it to Spoken Arabic/ Present
**You speak** Present tense in MSA & how to convert it to Spoken Arabic
**He speaks, She speaks* (Present) in MSA & how to convert it to Spoken Arabic
**They speak** Present tense in MSA & how to convert it to Spoken Arabic
“Do you speak Arabic?” in MSA & tips to convert it to Spoken Arabic
“Yes, I speak a little bit of Arabic” MSA & tips to convert it to Spoken Arabic
*”No, I do not speak Arabic”* in MSA & tips to convert it to Spoken Arabic
Conversation: Hi, do you speak Arabic?, yes, I do speak a little bit of Arabic
* My name, our name* in Arabic: Possessive pronouns: ضمائر الملكية
* Your name * speaking to 1 man & to 1 woman: Possessive pronouns/singular
* Your name * to 2 people”: Possessive pronouns/dual: ضمائر الملكية
* Your name * to a group (men, men & women) & (women only): Possessive pronouns
* His name, Her name * in MSA & tips to convert it to Spoken Arabic
* Their name * 2 people/ Dual in MSA & tips to convert it to Spoken Arabic
* Their name * 2+ people/ plural in MSA & tips to convert it to Spoken Arabic
What is your name? to 1 male/1 female in MSA & tips to convert it to spoken MSA
Dialogue: What is your name? My name is, Nice to meet you in MSA & Spoken Arabic
How are you? Speaking to 1 person + tips to convert it from MSA to Spoken Arabic
Good: Answer to how are you + tips to convert it from MSA to Spoken Arabic
Praise the lord: Answer to how are you + tips to convert it from MSA to Spoken A
Dialogue: How are you? Good, Praise the Lord, Thank you (in MSA & Spoken Arabic)
** From & Where ** in MSA + tips to convert them from MSA to Spoken Arabic
Dialogue: Where are you from? I am from ….., I am + nationality
List of countries where a form of Arabic is spoken
How to form a nationality from the name of the country.
** I live/ reside, we live/ reside ** Verb to live/ to reside in the present
** You live/ reside ** speaking to 1 person in MSA & Spoken Arabic
** You live/reside ** speaking to 2/ to a group of men, men + women/ only women
**He lives/resides, She lives/ resides** Verb to live/ to reside in the present
**They live/reside** speaking about 2/ group of men, men + women/ only women
Continue the dialog you already started adding: Where do you live/I live in ….
Conversation: *** Where do you live? *** I live in …..
Conversation: And you, where do you live?
** I study ** We study ** in MSA & tips on how to convert it into Spoken Arabic
** You study ** speaking to 1 person in MSA & Spoken Arabic
** You study ** speaking to 2 people, to a group in MSA & Spoken Arabic
** He studies ** She studies ** in MSA & Spoken Arabic
** They study ** in MSA & tips to convert it into Spoken Arabic
Professions: Teacher – Instructor (m) & Rule on how to make the feminine version
Professions: Teacher – Instructor masculin & feminine
Quiz: Professions Almihan اَلْمِهَن – Nurse (m) / (f) – Doctor (m) / (f)
Find out if you did well: Nurse (m) / (f) – Doctor (m) / (f)
Conversation: Do you work or go to school? Speaking to a female
Conversation: I am a medical student?
Conversation: What year?
Conversation: I am in my third year
Quiz: Do you work or go to school? Speaking to a male
Conversation: Do you work or go to school?
Conversation: I am an Engineer
Conversation: Are you married or single? To a female
Conversation: I am single, and you?
Conversation: I am single too
Conversation: Can we have lunch together tomorrow?
Conversation: What time?
Conversation: At one o’clock/ Okay
Conversation: What kind of food do you like?
Conversation: I like/love Arabic food very much.
Conversation: There is a Lebanese restaurant on this street
What is the name of the restaurant?
The restaurant’s name is Sabra
Number)s) 0-5: ٠-٥ رَقْم أَرْقَام
Number)s) 6-10:٦-١٠ رَقْم أَرْقَام
Conversation: What is your phone number? Asking a female
Conversation: What is your phone number? asking a man
Conversation: What is your email address? asking a female
Conversation: My email address is?
** I have ** We have ** in MSA & Spoken Arabic
** You have ** speaking to 1 person in MSA & Spoken Arabic
** You have ** speaking to 2 people & a group in MSA & Spoken Arabic
** He has ** She has ** in MSA & Spoken Arabic
** They have ** in MSA & tips to convert it into Spoken Arabic
Conversation: Do you have facebook??
Yes, I have Facebook
It was a pleasure meeting you
See you tomorrow in MSA & Spoken Arabic
Making reservations for Restaurant
Please to 1 person in MSA & Spoken Arabic
Please to 2 people in MSA & Spoken Arabic
Please to a group in MSA & Spoken Arabic
I would like to make reservations
How many people?
Numbers (0 – 5) Review
Numbers (6 – 10) Review
Days of the week
What day? Saturday
What time?
Great! See you then.
Ask for directions
*** Where is? *** in Formal Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic) & Spoken Arabic
Places: Restaurant, Bathroom, Hospital, Pharmacy, Police Station, Airport
Places: School, University, Library, Hotel, Bus Stop, Train Station
Conversation: Where is Sabra restaurant?
Dialogue: Take right at the light!
Dialogue: Turn left on Washington Street! in Formal Arabic & Spoken Arabic
Dialogue: The restaurant will be in front of you.
Conversation: Thank you very much in Formal Arabic & Spoken Arabic
Order food
Restaurant Greetings
Do you have reservations?
Conjugation: Please go ahead! 1 person
Conjugation: Please go ahead! Plural / Dual
Conversation: Please go ahead/ Thank you
Dialogue: What would you like to drink?
Dialogue: I would like apple juice.
Dialogue: I would like orange juice
What would you like to eat?
Conversation: I would like Hummus, Baba Ghanoush and Tabbouleh
Conversation: I would like chicken and rice
Conversation: Enjoy!/ Thank you!
Conversation: How was the food?
Conversation : Would you like something else?
Conversation: Check please, paying the waiter
Conversation: Thank and Goodbye!