• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Grow your English conversation skills with two American college students, Amber and Nikki. TOEIC、TOEFL、英検 共通テスト

What you will learn

TOEIC and TOEFL preparation! ーAmber & Nikki are speaking faster than the voice actors in the TOEIC listening test.

Improve your grammar! -Every chapter comes with a grammar lesson spoken by native English speakers with subtitles.

Improve test-taking skills! – There are mini-tests in each lesson spoken by native English speakers with subtitles.

Improve your writing skills!- Writing is required for answering the mini-tests, See the examples of how native English speakers would answer those questions.


Are you worried about an upcoming TOEFL or TOEIC listening test even if you are pretty confident with the reading part? If yes, we got you covered! Each lesson will help grow your listening skills and enhance your grammar to make you sound more natural. You will analyze a conversation and go through three questions to test if you understand the content. There are 11 lessons in this course including phone conversations that you might be afraid to make, even though you’re an advanced speaker. This course is designed for people who want to live and work in English speaking countries. All learning and testing materials are spoken in English by Amber and Nikki.

About me

Welcome to my class! I’m Yuko, the course designer and the parent of Amber and Nikki. You might be looking for a quick and easy way to improve your listening skills for TOEFL or TOEIC, or planning to get a job that requires you to be an advanced English speaker. No matter what your plan is, the best way to improve your English is to learn from your mistakes. Believe me, I’ve been there! That’s why I created these conversation test lessons especially for you. I hope you listen and learn from the lessons every day until you’ll have finished and memorized all the contents by heart. Good luck! Amber, Nikki, and I will be rooting for you! Yuko


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近年人気の TOEIC  TOEFL  英検 共通テストなどの英語リスニングに自信がない方が多いのではないでしょうか?英語でYoutubeや映画を見たりしていても、テスト形式で勉強しない限り自分の英語リスニングがどの位出来ているかはなかなか分からない?

Udemyからデビューした Amber & Nikki’s English  はトータル11個のビデオレッスンとAmberとNikkiからのアドバイスがビデオ形式で見られるので、忙しい学生や社会人にピッタリ。テストと同じようにリスニングだけ集中するようにピクチャーはありません。英会話が3回流れますが、3回目の会話、質問、答え、そして終わりにある文法や Say it out loudと言うコーナーに字幕が入ります。アメリカ人の大学生が普通のスピードで日常生活でよく耳にするような会話を喋っているので、最初はスピードが速すぎて聞き取りが出来ないかもしれません。私も以前その様な体験をしましたが、一番重要なのは「同じ会話」を耳にタコが出来るまで何回も聞いて、英語の音に慣れる事です!だからリスニングテスト対策ではこのレッスンがとても効果的です。




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