• Post category:StudyBullet-13
  • Reading time:3 mins read

A basics guide for Mobile Penetration Testing Course.

What you will learn


Return- Oriented Programming

Kernel Debugging and Exploitation


Baseband Attacks


Mobile apps are the next big thing in the world of software. As the number of smart devices continues to increase, likely, the number of mobile applications will also continue to grow. While the latest innovations in mobile devices have made many tasks quicker and easier, thereโ€™s no denying that the security of these problem-solving applications is not an easy task. Mobile apps are a part of a larger mobile ecosystem that interacts with everything from the mobile device, network infrastructure, servers, and data centers. This gives rise to a complex attack surface. The attack surface is further expanded with the increased use of mobile devices with advanced capabilities such as sensors, global positioning systems (GPS), and near-field communication (NFC). With the increasing sophistication of cyber-attacks and the million-dollar bounties being offered for bugs in mobile apps, organizations have begun investing in mobile application penetration testing

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Welcome to my course. The course will focus on the tools and techniques for testing the Security of Android Mobile applications. Android, the Google operating system thatโ€™s on 80% of the worldโ€™s smartphones. In extreme cases, hackers with malicious intent can do much more than send premium text messages. In this video you will learn how to hack Android applications.



Advanced Mobile Penetration Testing Course

Return- Oriented Programming – part 1
Return- Oriented Programming – part 2
Kernel Debugging and Exploitation – part 1
Kernel Debugging and Exploitation – part 2
Baseband Attacks