An online course on Mendelian Genetics with a NEW perspective

What you will learn

Monohybrid cross, Dihybrid cross and Trihybrid cross

Phenotypic and Genotypic ratios for a Mendelian cross

3 laws of Mendelian Genetics- Law of Dominance, Law of Segregation and the Law of independent assortment

Modifications of Monohybrid cross

Test cross and Punnett squares logic for mendelian crosses

Gene interactions , modified dihybrid ratios and Lethal alleles

Introduction to Non-Mendelian inheritance


Mendelian Genetics is the foundation for everything that we learn in Genetics today.

The mastermind of Mendel is worth understanding in detail.

His genius was in the application of mathematical concepts of permutations and combinations in biological data.

We’ll  learn about 3 unique formulae that Mendel worked out which later formed the basis for Punnett square.

In this online course in Mendelian genetics we’ll cover topics such as:

  • Monohybrid, dihybrid and Trihybrid cross
  • 3 Mendelian Laws
  • Genotypic and Phenotypic ratios
  • Modifications in the monohybrid ratios
  • Gene interactions of the modified dihybrid ratios.
  • Non-Mendelian Inheritance

As a bonus, you’ll get to know the little hacks to solve the genotypic and phenotypic ratio for any hypothetical higher order cross.

To strengthen your concepts there will be quizzes that will put your knowledge to test.

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This online course in genetics is for beginners in high school, college level students and for researchers in the field who want to get the concepts right.

This Mendelian genetics course is not for advanced researchers and experts who already know the topic in depth.

As is with any course, this course is also backed by Udemy’s 30 day money back guarantee.

If you’re not happy for any reason you will get the full refund.

So take this course today, and get deeper insights into Mendelian genetics.

– Sumitra Shankar





What to expect- course overview

Think Phase

Early theories in Heredity
The puzzle of Hybrids
Why Pea Plants?
Important terms in Mendelian Crosses

Analyze Phase

What was the first phenotypic ratio he observed?
Genotypic ratio in Monohybrid cross
Perspective 1
What’s the next logical order?
Perspective 2
The power of grouping data
Confirming his findings
Perspective 3
The purity of gametes and the laws
Perspective 4
Easy Hack to solve Phenotypic ratios
Easy Hack to solve Genotypic ratios
Fork line method
Let’s Solve some problems

Development Phase

Mendel’s recognition
Bateson’s discovery
A new model system for experiments
What other systems were studied?
Deviations from Mendelian laws
6 different types of Modified Dihybrid ratios
Mitochondrial Inheritance
Pedigree Analysis
Let’s Solve some more problems

Question phase

Probability theory

Wrap Up

Which Phase are you in?
Cheatsheets and guides
Bonus- What’s more