• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:5 mins read


What you will learn

Adding Decimals

Subtracting Decimals

Multiplying Decimals

Subtracting Decimals

Decimal Word Problems

Divide mixed numbers

Divide Fractions

Divide Fractions by whole nubers

Fraction word problems

Divide Whole numbers by fractions

Order of operations

Squaring, cubing fractions, mental math


This course will encompass many multi-dimensional sections of math for an integrated and universal experience that demonstrates years of practice and practical knowledge!ย Below you will be able to explore and expand your content knowledge through the lens of a proficient and excellent teacher with years of experience and acquired knowledge. With this course, you will be able to thoroughly understand the below concepts!ย Take this course from an experienced instructor with a 5 star rating!

Multiply Decimals

These lectures will involve the process and implication of multiplying decimals, step by step. Learn from the best! These lectures provide a preliminary understanding for the decimal word problems. Master these and achieve mastery!

Divide Decimals

These lectures involve the process and implication of dividing decimals, step by step. Master these and achieve mastery!

Decimal Word Problems

These word problems are the meat of the course. The word problems provide critical thinking analysis that requires the learner to interpret the problem conceptually toward rea life applications. Being able to practically apply decimals to the real world shows that learner has achieved a knowledge base sufficient for the real world. Master these skills today with one of the best teachers! Mr. Suzuki is here for you!

Divide Mixed Numbers

Learn the heart of math by understanding how to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions. These universal and crucial steps will help up your math game to become proficient!

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Divide Fractions

Dividing fractions is integral to foundational level mathematics. Learn with me step by step, every step of the way!

Divide Fractions by Whole numbers

Dividing fractions by whole numbers provides a platform for going deeper into the more advanced word problems. If you learn this, you’ll be ready for the next level!

Divide Fractions Word Problems

These word problems will give you a comprehensive look at how to apply what you’ve learned in real life. You’ll be able to ace that test or increase your chances of getting a job!ย Let’s learn this!ย I know that you can do it!

Order of Operations

Learn the order of Operations with the phrase Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally!ย Sally is on our side and will help us out!ย Lets go!



Adding decimals, subtracting decimals, decimal word problems

Adding Decimals, Subtracing Decimals, Decimal word problems.
Adding Decimals
Subtracting Decimals
Decimal Word Problem 1
Decimal Word Problem 2
Decimal Word Problem 3
Decimal Word Problem 4
Decimal Word Problem 5

Multiplying and dividing decimals

Multiplying decimals
Dividing decimals


Dividing Fractions
Dividing Mixed Numbers
Whole numbers divided by fractions
Fraction Word Problems
Dividing fractions by whole numbers

Order of Operations

Order of Operations
Squaring, cubing fractions, mental math