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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Practice Tests for PMO

What you will learn

Module 1 – Introduction to Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices

Module 2 – Why have a Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices?

Module 3 – Design Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices model

Module 4 – How to implement or re-energize Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices?


  • اختبارات مهمه في انشاء وتشغيل مكاتب اداره المحافظ والبرامج والمشروعات

Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices Foundation training courses have since become a must-have for those working within any form of a portfolio, programme, and project support office environment. A Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices Foundation model provides support for portfolios, programmes, and projects of all types that aim to bring about change within an organization.

Questions are based on Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices domains as follows :

Module 1 – Introduction to Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices

Module 2 – Why have a Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices?

Module 3 – Design Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices model

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Module 4 – How to implement or re-energize Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices?

Module 5 – How to operate a Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices?

The Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices Foundation Guidance brings together, in one place, a set of principles, processes, and techniques to facilitate effective delivery of portfolio, programme, and project management, through the enablement of focused support structures. These structures also bridge the gap between the strategy, management implementation decisions, and the tactical delivery of prioritized programmes and projects.

This exam is suitable for individuals newly appointed to portfolio, programme or project office roles or those wishing to gain formal qualifications after some support office experience (support offices may go by many names, including Portfolio Office, Centre of Excellence, Enterprise or Corporate Programme Office).

The aim of these questions is to train you on how to get more familiar with Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices FOUNDATION exam questions and how easily you can understand and solve them.
