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Prepare for your CTFL exam. High-quality practice test questions written from scratch with detailed explanations!

What you will learn

Guaranteed chance to pass the exam if you score 90%+ on each practice exam

Practice with high quality practice exams alongside detailed explanation to learn concepts

The CTFL exams practice exams have been written from scratch

BONUS: 70% Discount Code for other courses



The ISTQBยฎ Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) certification provides essential testing knowledge that can be put to practical use and, very importantly, explains the terminology and concepts that are used worldwide in the testing domain. CTFL is relevant across software delivery approaches and practices including Waterfall, Agile, DevOps, and Continuous Delivery. CTFL certification is recognized as a prerequisite to all other ISTQBยฎ certifications where Foundation Level is required.

The Foundation Level certification is suitable for anyone who needs to demonstrate practical knowledge of the fundamental concepts of software testing including people in roles such as testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers, and software developers.

It is also appropriate for individuals who need a basic understanding of software testing including project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors, and management consultants.

Exam Structure

No. of Questions:40

Total Points:40

Passing Score:26

Exam Length (mins):60 (+25% Non-Native Language)

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Are you about to do the certification soon? Below you will find some tips from my side that you should definitely consider when taking the certification exam!

Tips for the Certification Exam:

  1. Read the questions carefully! Read every word of the question and watch out for words like “not” and phrases that indicate that multiple answers have to be picked like “which two of the following”.
  2. Prepare pen and paper for the exam! This is important for you to make a note when you want to revisit a question at the end.
  3. Prepare a timer (smartphone)! Set a timer to half time and 10 min before time is over to make sure that you are still on track with your answering speed and 10 min before time is over to revisit open questions.
  4. Try to use a process of elimination! If you are unsure which answer(s) are correct try to eliminate the answers for which you are confident that they are not correct. Most of the time there are 1-2 answers presented that you can exclude right from the start. If you tend to go back and forth between the two to three answers left then just note the question down for later but click on the answer you think is most likely to be correct. Maybe you won’t have time later for revisiting the question!

About this practice exam:
– Questions order and response orders are randomized
– You can only review the answer after finishing the exam due to how Udemy works
– It consists of 65 questions, the duration is 120 minutes, the passing score is 80% (harder than the real exam for your practice)

You can take this certification practice test as many times as you want, the questions and the answer order is randomized. I would suggest 80%+ of right answers consistently before booking the exam.


In case of an issue with a question:
– Ask a question in the Q&A
– Please take a screenshot of the question (because they’re randomized) and attach it
– We will get back to you as soon as possible and fix the issue

Good luck, and happy learning!



Test 06