• Post category:StudyBullet-2
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Everything about Kubernetes, Deployment, CIS, Rancher, GitOps, EKS, KOPS, K3s, Ingress, ECR, Longhorn, Multi-cluster,

What you will learn

β˜‘ How to work with Kubernetes in Production environment.


In this Course you are going to learn most of the things which everyone is looking for. This course will help you in understading production environment and i have capture most of the things in the course which you going to face in the Interview and while working in production. Like what are the options we can use to create a cluster, Like Kubeadm, KOPS, Rancher, K3s, EKS . Have almost covered from the Installation to deploying the applications and securing them. Backing up your application is the most essential thing you need do at the first hand, have also covered those parts as well. You can see the contents of this course and i believe you will end up learning many things. If i miss something do let me know will cover that part as well.

Don’t waste any more time wondering what course is best for you. You’ve already found it. Get started right away .

One more thing if you want to learn something remember these three words ……. Practice! Practice! Practice!

Kubernetes is at the cutting-edge of application deployment. To elevate your DevOps career, learn how to effectively deploy applications on Kubernetes.

This course helps you gain the knowledge required to design and deploy cloud-native applications on a Kubernetes cluster.

After this Course you can also check out my course on HELM 3, it will help you alot in managing and deploying the applications. Best of Luck.

Keep Learning !!!

Who this course is for:

  • System Administrators
  • DevOps Professionals
  • Application Developers






What is Kubernetes and why to use it

What’s inside the Cluster

Master and Worker Node Components

Kubectl and Worker node components

Let’s create a cluster with Kubeadm

Creating a cluster with kubeadm

Lets add another worker node

Add a Worker node to cluster

Use of .kube/config file and what to do if you delete it

Let’s recreate it

Let’s create a cluster on Aws cloud with KOPS (Kubernetes Operations)

Let’s create highly available Kubernetes clusters on AWS with KOPS

Adding a worker node and delete the cluster

Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE)

Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE)

What is Pod ?

Lets talk about Pod now

Few words about NameSpace, StorageClass and Annotations

Imperative commands

It’s time to dive inside cluster and get hand’s dirty

Pod Labelling

Lable, Overwrite the label and remove it

Services (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer)

Expose service

ReplicaSet and ReplicationController

Difference between ReplicaSet and ReplicationController

Can’t delete the pods

Delete the ReplicaSet now

Application Deployment and Updates

Deployment specifications

Upgrade the Application version with rollingUpdate

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How to Secure the Application

Securing the Applications

Micoservice with Authentication


Deploy Multiple Application with Ingress and Authentication

LENS (The Kubernetes IDE)

Using LENS

LENS do more than what we have seen till now

Kube-bench, CIS Benchmarks (Securing Kubernetes)

Kube-Bench: Testing you kubernetes cluster

Install rancher in Kubernetes Cluster

Install Rancher (Kubernetes as a Service) , STUCK WITH ERROR AS WELL

Forgot Login Password, Let’s try to create another

Using Longhorn ( Cloud native distributed block storage for Kubernetes )

Installing Longhorn

Deploying application using Longhorn as a Storage Solution

Pods will attach to the same volume no matter what (Persistent Storage)

Using a private registry

Working with Private images

Configuring nodes to authenticate to a private registry

Create a New Cluster with Rancher UI

Easiest way to create HA Kubernetes Cluster with Rancher

Monitoring Your Kubernetes Cluster with Grafana, Prometheus, and Alertmanager

Montoring Dashboard

Kubernetes GitOps with Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery

Automatically prepared for a release to production.

Create a Snapshot

Backup and Restore

Recurring Snapshots

Lightweight Kubernetes

The certified Kubernetes distribution built for IoT & Edge computing

Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

Installing Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Update Kubeconfig file

Delete the Cluster

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Share and deploy container software)

Build an Image and push to ECR

Using ECR Image inside EKS cluster

