• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Emmy-Award Winning TV Producer Teaches How to Write a Newsworthy Press Release to Grab News Media Attention

What you will learn

Step by step process with real life examples on how to write a newsworthy press release that gets media attention

How a newsroom operates and how to think like a reporter so you can communicate like a journalist and identify a good news story

Detailed planning steps to prepare for your press release writing and distribution

How to develop the right media list for free and when and how to get your press release to them.

Easy-to-use templates will help you kick-start your press release planning, writing and distribution


Why Bother With a Press Release? Why Not Only Use Social Media?

Imagine a TV news crew covering your story. Citing news coverage for your organization or social business from either local or national media impresses donors, supporters, volunteers and public policy makers.  Hearing your story from a traditional news outlet versus your posts on social media increases your credibility with your audience.

While most people do get their news online, the majority of social media still uses traditional news media like the BBC, CNN, New York Times, and local media among others as sources.

If you want to create social change, you’ll need to raise awareness through the news media. And, one of the most important tools to reach them is still the press release. When you call a newsroom to pitch your story idea, the first question they’ll ask is, “Can you send us your press release?”

But in my 30 years in media relations, I have seen press releases written like announcements, essays or ad copy – fluff pieces that make the news media frown (and me, too!).

What You’ll Learn

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If you’ve never written a press release, it can feel overwhelming. This course takes you by the hand, step by step, through in-depth training needed to write a newsworthy press release.

In this course, you’ll ….

  • Not only learn about formatting and press release content, but you’ll receive journalism writing tips
  • Discover how a newsroom operates so you can communicate with the news media in their language and improve your chances of gaining media attention.  Learn what makes a story newsworthy!
  • Walk through a planning process to distribute your press release at the right time
  • Learn how to build your media list for free or with paid resources
  • Download 12 resources including templates to guide you from the planning to distribution stages of your press release
  • Get more media tools from the press release family:  how to write a photo release and media advisory

Rather than sitting through an 8-hour course that is overwhelming and still leaves you with only concepts whose application you still have to figure out, this course provides short, focused training in a simple to understand format.

You’ll gain the respect and credibility of the news media by writing a press release like a journalist!

Why I Created This Course

My passion is to equip a corps of Good News Ambassadors, those working on the frontlines of creating social change. There are many charities and social businesses that carry lanterns of hope through their services into blighted communities. My job is to teach them how to tell their stories through the news media to raise awareness and support for social transformation.



What Is A Press Release?

Defining the Press Release and Its Benefits
When to Use a Press Release

Think Like A Reporter

Overview of Section: Think Like A Reporter
What is News?
Assignment: Watch the News
Step Inside the Newsroom
A Quick Peak Inside the Newsroom
Inside Broadcasting News
Inside Print News Media
Inside Web News Media
Final Notes About the Newsroom

How to Create Your Plan

Overview of Section: Planning
Creating Your P.R. Calendar
Should You Do a Press Release?
Creating Your Action Plan
Assignment: Create Your Plan

Writing the Press Release

Overview of Section: Writing the Press Release
How to Format a Press Release
Create a Catchy Headline
The Body of the Press Release
Overview of Writing Tips
Tips on Writing Like a Journalist

Case Studies of Press Releases

Overview of Section: Case Studies
Website Press Page
Press Release Example
Examples of Quotes
Example: Twitter
Example: Boiler Plate

How to Distribute Your Press Release

Overview of Section: Distributing Your Press Release
Paying for Media Distribution
How to Build Your Media List for Free
How to Send Your Press Release
Establish Social Media Presence

Closing: Now What?

Next Steps

More Media Tools

Overview of Section: BONUS
What is a Media Advisory?
How to Write a Media Advisory
Example: Media Advisory
What is a Photo Release?
Why Use a Photo Release?
How to Write a Photo Release
Example: Photo Release
How to Distribute a Photo Release
Closing for this Section