Gerunds, Participles, Adjective Complications, Active to Passive, Parts of Sentence and much more
What you will learn
Gerunds & Participle Exercises
Adjective Complications
Active to Passive
Parts of a Sentence
Why take this course?
Looking for a kick start to get your basics of English polished. Be it competitive exams, job interviews, or looking to teach your students, this course will provide you the right bent of mind to get going. Introducing the all important concepts of Gerunds, Participles, Adjective Complications, Active to Passive, Parts of Sentence and much more.
The videos also have a host of practice examples alongwith solutions to get a hands on experience.
Gerunds and participles because they both end in -ing are very confusing and even teachers struggle. This video shows you how to use some very simple tips and get them correct everytime.
Practice makes perfect. The most effective way to understand gerunds and participles is to do exercises with them, and to create your own sentences by using them.
This is an invaluable video. A must see for all teachers and students who have found the active to passive voice confusing. It works you through many parts of grammar that are interconnected. Finding the verb, reading the tense, identifying transitive and intransitive verbs, learning the trick to find the past participle of irregular verbs, and working formulas to self check correct sentences.
Adjective complications with verbs, possessives, pronouns, gerunds, passive – An excellent video that will teach you many parts of grammar using the adjective as a base. It will show you the complications and confusions of the adjective when it is confused with continuous verbs, past participle adjectives, pronouns, gerunds, or passive verbs by using a single golden rule. It discusses possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives. It revises how to tell gerunds from participles. It will show you order of adjectives and types to help writing become more descriptive and impressive. It will also give you adjective endings to help build a spectacular vocabulary of fabulous adjectives. Not to be missed by teachers, students and writers.