Learn about design as well as how to get job as Designer

What you will learn

Better understanding about CAD tools. How to learn them, how to practice and which tool to go for?

Better Understanding of Portfolio

You would be aware of Design Process. You can even design a new product keeping laser in mind

You would be aware of the competitions, freelancing and crowdfunding platforms

Why take this course?

🎓 Course Title: How to Become a Mechanical Designer with Amardeep Singh

🚀 Course Headline: Unlock the Door to a Design Career & Master Mechanical Design!

Dive into the world of mechanical design with our comprehensive online course led by industry expert, Amardeep Singh. This course is tailored for aspiring designers looking to break into the field, as well as those looking to transition from roles in production, manufacturing, or quality control into design. With a focus on both the art of design and practical steps to landing your first job as a Mechanical Designer, this course promises to equip you with the skills, knowledge, and strategies needed to succeed.

Course Description:

Section 1: Kickstart Your Design Career 🎯

  • How to Get a Job as a Designer? Discover the chicken-and-egg conundrum of gaining experience to get a job but needing a job to gain experience. We’ll guide you through strategies to overcome this hurdle and shed light on the essential skills you must possess to make yourself an attractive candidate for design positions.
    • Skills: Learn about the core competencies required in the design industry.
    • CAD Software Mastery: Understand the best practices for learning and excelling in CAD software, including which modules to focus on and effective ways to practice.
    • Gaining Experience: Explore alternative methods to gain relevant experience without being employed in a traditional setting, including leveraging your final year project and finding commercial projects on freelance platforms.
    • Portfolio Building: Understand the importance of a portfolio and how to create one that showcases your skills and increases your chances of landing a job.

🔹 Section 2 – Design Guidelines ⚙️

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  • Design Rules for CAD Models: Learn the critical design considerations that every designer should keep in mind while creating CAD models to ensure efficiency, functionality, and manufacturability.
    • Injection Molding Process: Get insights into designing for injection molding, one of the most common manufacturing processes.
    • Sheet Metal Design: Understand the specific challenges and techniques involved in sheet metal fabrication.
    • Laser Cutting: Discover how to design components for efficient laser cutting.
    • Forging Design Principles: Learn about the design considerations when working with forged parts.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in mechanical design and the confidence to pursue a career as a Mechanical Designer. Whether you’re a fresh graduate or someone transitioning from another field, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to break into the design industry and thrive.

🛠️ What You Will Learn:

  • Industry Insights: Gain an understanding of what employers are looking for in a Mechanical Designer.
  • CAD Software Proficiency: Acquire skills in CAD software that will make you a valuable asset to any design team.
  • Experiential Knowledge: Learn how to gain practical experience and develop a strong portfolio to demonstrate your abilities.
  • Design Principles: Master the key principles of mechanical design with a focus on various manufacturing processes.

👨‍🎓 Instructor Profile:

Amardeep Singh brings years of industrial and training experience to this course, offering you real-world insights and actionable advice. His expertise will guide you through the complexities of the design industry and help you navigate the path to a successful career as a Mechanical Designer.

Join us now and transform your passion for mechanical design into a rewarding and prosperous career! 🚀✨
