Go from zero to hero in Python in weeks! Learn Python in a way you never forget!
Are you tired of checking multiple courses on Python and not found even one which meets your actual requirements?
Most beginners study core part of the programming easily but actual programming starts after core programming is finished, since most of real world problems are solved by using programming paradigms such as iteration, recursion, comprehension, object oriented programming etc.
Most of the preceding topics are heavily influenced by fundamental mathematics, I will try to teach you fundamental mathematics through these programming paradigm such as iteration and recursion through this course.
This course is for you if you want to:
– build the skills you need to get your first Python programming job
– learn basic to advance programming paradigm
– get started with some domain of Python such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography and so on
– Learn as a self taught programmer who want to freelance
…then you need a solid foundation in Python programming. And this course is designed to give you those core skills, fast.
This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python.
In this course, you will get more exercises and challenges than real theory part, because I believe if any beginner programmer want to excel in Python, he or she must write some code following python programming paradigm such as recursion, iteration etc.
Course contains above 45 exercises and many more challenges and quizzes.
FAQ’s|| Must Read before Enrolling:
Is Python A Good First Programming Language To Learn?
Even though it has not yet been adopted as a first language by many computer science programs, Python is widely seen by industry experts as a great first programming language when learning to code and its extensive use in SpaceX to automate and handle technologies to launch rockets, Instagram, Google to support their backends and Many companies to support and execute ML and Deep Learning Algorithms; Its undoubtedly No.1 Programming Language to learn.
For starters, the syntax of Python is simpler than that of most other major programming languages, with fewer exceptions and special cases. It also tends to use plain English keywords in place of the system of punctuation that has to be memorized in other languages, making it easier to learn to code. Given these conventions, Python code tends to appear as less of a “jumble” to newcomers than it does in comparable languages.
Another great feature of Python is the ubiquity of its use. While Python is optimized for development on Linux and Unix systems, interpreters are available for just about every major operating system. All implementations of Python are supported by an excellent standard library, which means that new students can very quickly move on to creating actual functional programs that are useful. Additionally, the standard implementation of Python, CPython, is free and open-source.
What Type Of Jobs Are Available To Python Programmers?
In the job market, if you observe the trends; Python is often looked like a strong language to support some primary language that is more broadly used like C or Java. But Lately, with the evolution of ML and Deep Learning Algorithms; it is highly demanded skill to have in 2020 and later. There are a variety of jobs that one can get focusing exclusively on Python development, however. Many of these jobs will be in building and improving the internal tools that a company uses to create its finished marketable products, rather than working on the finished product itself.
One specific economic sector where the presence of Python programming is particularly strong is the geospatial industry. This is a critical industry that deals with navigational tools such as GPS, radar, and light measurements.
If you’re interested in web applications, Python is a better choice for development (working with the back-end or server-side) rather than design (creating the actually finished front-end that site visitors interact with). As mentioned previously, Google employed Python for many components of its search engine, and it is quite widely used in the data mining industry.
Finally, Python can also be used for game development. Some famous examples of games developed either entirely or in large part with Python include EVE Online, Civilization IV, the Battlefield game series, and the Mount & Blade games. The popular development environment Blender is written in Python.
Ready to get started, My PYTHON PROGRAMMER Friend?
Enroll now using the “Add to Cart” button on the right, and get started on your way to creative, advanced Python brilliance. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know you’re 100% certain this course is for you.
See you in the class!
Just give it a try, you won’t regret!!
Why Python?
Afraid of Mathematics?
Install Python and IDE on your Machine
Install Python on Windows
Download and setup Pycharm code editor on Windows
Install python on Linux Machine
Download and setup Pycharm code editon on Linux
How to read Python documentation
Download Python Resources for the course!!
Python Note
Effective way to Excel at this course!
Variables and Data Types
Variables on Python
Variables in Python
Variable in Python
Data Types: String, Set and Numbers
Quiz on Numbers
Data Types: List, Dictionary and Tuple
Data Types
Typecasting in Python
Length of the string
Data Types in Python
Operators and Operands
Comments and User Input
Operators and Operands
Logical Operators and Operations
Boolean Algebra
Different operations on Boolean Algebra
Relational Algebra
Conditionals using Algebra
Exercise: Whether number is positive and even
Exercise: Check whether string contains given substring
Operators and Operands
Built-in Modules and Creating your own Modules
“random” module
“math” module
Data Structures
Python “List” Data Structures
Exercise: Find index of largest element of list
Exercise: swap numbers in python
Exercise: Reverse element of list without using any inbuilt functions
Exercise: WAP to return index of greatest neighbor element
Exercise: Find intersection of two list
Python “Dictionary” Data Structures
Dictionary in a nutshell!
Exercise: Find name and password in the dictionary
Exercise: Reverse key and value pair
Learn Strings and String Methods in detail
String Formatting
String Quiz
List Quiz
Dictionary Quiz
Rock Paper Scissor
Introduction to Rock Paper Scissor and Its rule
Making Game Logic and Move for Players
Address condition where Player will win the game
Address condition where Computer will win the game and Invalid Inputs
Adding Score to the Game
Make A Quiz Game
Little Bit about File Handling
Open the File and store content of File into the dictionary
Create Sample Questions for the Quiz Game
Check User Answer with correct Answer and print score of the Player
Conditionals and Looping
Python Indentation
Python Conditionals: if…else statements
Looping in Python: while Loops
Exercise: Find sum to ‘n’ using Loops
Exercise: Find sum of odd numbers to N using Loops
Exercise: WAP to find multiples of 6
Exercise: Find Factorial of numbers using Loops
Exercise: Sum of the functions
Exercise: Optimized solution of previous Lecture Problem
Looping in Python: for Loops
List and Dictionary Comprehensions
Conditionals and Looping
Important Quiz
Matrix and Vector in Python
How to represent Vectors and Matrices in Python?
Access Element of Vector and Matrix
Exercise: Matrix Sum
Exercise: Vector Mean Position
User Defined Functions in Python
User Defined Functions in Python
Writing better Functions
Exercise: Write myPow() function to calculate given power of any number
Exercise: Create a Rectangle using Functions
Exercise: Find dot product between two lists
Exercise: Sum of squared of numbers of the List
Exercise: Sum of numbers to N
Exercise: Find smallest divisor
Exercise: find sum of all divisors of the number
Exercise: Find the next perfect number
Exercise: Find prime numbers between 0 to limit
Default Arguments in Python
Anonymous/Lambda functions
What is Recursion? Don’t miss this lecture!!
Example of Recursion
Exercise: WAP to reverse string using Recursion
Exercise: Implement recursive definition using Python Recursive Function
Exercise: Print Triangular Digits using Recursion
Exercise: Print Inverted Triangle (inverted of previous Question triangle)
Exercise: Sum of Digits Non Recursive Version
Exercise: Sum of Digits Recursive Version
Another Example of Recursion: List Search
Exercise: Element Search into the List
Modify List Search so that it works on Nested List too
Python Quiz on Recursion
Write Recursive Function
Write Recursive Function
WAP to print sum of even numbers recursively
WAP to find smallest number from the list recursively
Recursive Definition into Recursive Function
Advance Python Programming Construct
Functional Programming: lambda, map and reduce
Iterators in Python
Generators in Python
Object Oriented Programming in Python
Classes and Objects in Python
Basic Inheritance in Python
Multiple Inheritance in Python
Polymorphism in Python
Operator Overloading in Python
Explore more!
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