What you will learn
Understand the fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) from a practical perspective without complicated math or equations
Top-down and Bottom-up approach in FEA
Steps in a FE Analysis and Examples of FE Applications
Assumptions, Advantages and Limitations of FEA
Types of FE Analysis: Static, Dynamic, Modal, Fatigue, Thermal, Heat transfer
Using Symmetry, Plane Strain and Plane Strain conditions
What is Geometric-nonlinearity and when to use it
Difference between strong forms and weak forms in FEA
Types of elements and coordinate systems
Difference between Plate, Shell and Membrane Elements
Meshing: Quality check and Convergence
Difference between h and p method
Physical meaning of full and reduced integration
Shear locking and Hourglassing in a practical context
Difference between essential and natural boundary conditions
Direct and Iterative solvers: What’s the difference?
Verification and validation in FEA simulation
Error Sources in FEM
Industrial Case Study: Static Characteristics of a milling machine
Industrial Case Study: FE Analysis of a slewing bearing of a wind turbine
6 things to consider before starting any FEA and a generic problem solving methodology
Introduction to Python Scripting in ABAQUS and a general workflow for running a Python Script in ABAQUS
A higher level understanding of Python Scripting methodology for ABAQUS
Example 1: Python Scripting of a static analysis of a truss
Example 2: Python Scripting of a deflection analysis of a cantilever beam
Python Scripting of a 3D steady state thermal analysis: Source Code
Python Scripting of a truss parameterization problem: Source Code
Python Scripting of a contact analysis of an electric switch: Source Code
Right now, there are more than 7500+ job advertisements, globally, for keywords “Finite Element Analysis (FEA)” and “Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)”. The pay for these jobs are spiking up and the demand too is increasing at an insane rate.
The reason is simple. Almost all companies have realized the importance of simulation-assisted design processes. They are figuring out ways to incorporate simulation in their product development lifecycle and need skilled people who can help them do that.
But here’s the catch.
Companies want people who understand the bigger picture of things and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of product design. Not someone who knows the theory but finds it difficult to apply it in real life.
This course is exactly intended to bridge that gap between FEM theory and application.
Let me reveal a secret. If you are not going to be a FEM tool developer, you don’t need all the math that is being taught at the university or being described in detail in standard FEM textbooks. Rather, you need a clear and conceptual understanding of the concepts of FEA and then the aptitude to select and use the right tools from the commercially available FEA packages.
In this course, I will take you through different steps in Finite Element Analysis from a practical perspective. It is going to be fully application-oriented and I will present some case studies from the industry that will give you an idea of how industry professionals break down complicated problems into small chunks and then solve them gradually. I will also talk about the physical meaning of a lot of commonly misunderstood terms and terminologies in FEA. It’s always teamwork going ahead and these terminologies would help you to communicate effectively with other FE Analysts and design engineers in your team.
Then, I will introduce a framework for Python scripting that could be used for simulating problems with ABAQUS. I will use this framework to help you write Python scripts for 5 different problems and solve them using ABAQUS.
That’s how this course will add value to you.
What are you waiting for? Act now and get yourself certified with this course.