• Post category:StudyBullet-18
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Master Advanced React Concepts, Diverse Project Builds, Clear Code Architecture and Industry-Standard React JS Project.

What you will learn

How to Build Real-World React JS Web Apps

Advanced Features of React JS

React JS: Basic to Advanced Topics

How to Build a Responsive React JS App

How to Get API Responses and Build a Complete React App

How to Play Videos in a React JS App

How to Deploy a React Project to a Cloud Server

How To Handle React JS Routing

Why take this course?

React JS Bootcamp 2024 will take students on a thorough journey that starts with fundamental ideas and ends with the building of many real-world projects. With the use of a public movie API database, the Movie Web App is one of the course’s standout projects.

Movie Web App Project:

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  • Features:
    • Display a list of movies fetched from a public movie API (e.g., TMDB).
    • Use dynamic routing to display comprehensive movie information.
    • Enable users to play movie trailers directly within the app interface.
    • Make use of pagination to make navigating movie lists easy.
    • Add the ability to filter.

What Students Will Learn:

  • React JS Fundamentals:
    • JSX syntax and component-based architecture.
    • State management using hooks (useState, useEffect).
    • Managing props and communicating with components.
  • Advanced Topics:
    • Routing and navigation with React Router.
    • Integration of APIs and data fetching techniques.
    • Handling asynchronous operations with async/await.
  • UI/UX Design:
    • Implementing responsive designs using CSS frameworks.
    • Interactive elements improve the user experience.
  • Deployment and Optimization:
    • launching React apps on cloud computing infrastructure.
    • enhancing efficiency and cutting down on load times.
    • putting best practices into production settings.

This brief describes the features, learning objectives, and target audience for the course, with an emphasis on the specifics of utilizing React JS to construct a movie web application.
