This is about learning important platforms for experimenting with lesson planning and effective new presentation skills
What you will learn
The role of the teacher is to provide guidance in such a way that would be beneficial for the listeners to grasp the content efficiently upto the maximum extent
Making use of expert technologies for building well lit path for the learners to master their key expertise as and when required opening door for ideas involved
Helpful in proper functioning of overall classroom setup and fresher can get an insight about the class structure and handling the class effectively with tools.
Mastering the tools which can enhance the performance output for the students, to increase the attentivity and curiosity to maximmum level to get advantage from
Why take this course?
This course is about building various teacher related contents on different platforms, so that teacher can have a knowledge about different tools and techniques to make their lessons more efficient. This invloves that teacher lecture must be produced in such a way that students can get their knowledge upto maximum extent. Teacher can build their own creative presentations after this course. Teachers by watching the course video can try all the tools and can observe how the particular tool works and what is the benefit of each and every tool. They get to know, how one tool is used, how they can solve a problem using one particular tool. They will know how these tools can play an important role in their day to day activities and tasks. Teachers can enjoy by building real life projects along with this course. This will impart practical knowledge and will going to boost their confidence in actual classroom structure because of the well equipped technologies in trend that will be helpful for understanding the resources and how to present them in most effective way. It also involves robust methods to deal with the particular task and logically solving each and every step with foundational buildup as a teacher.