Learn to charge appropriately for your work. Develop budgets, Earn those Jobs and Earn Money. Get your goals
What you will learn
A methodology to know how to value your work.
Financially evaluate each project to be carried out in their lives
Most likely you have been asked to do some work, and they ask you how much you charge, and you have no idea how much your work is worth.
Well, all is not lost. With this course, you can learn how to rationally calculate how much to charge for the work you do, without making mistakes along the way.
By taking the course “How much is your work worth”, you will be able to support in a professional and fast way, the value of what your work represents.
You will be learning the effective analysis methodology used by businessmen at the moment of evidencing a business opportunity.
The art of budgeting will allow you to have integral control of human resources, supplies, tools, and other factors that may influence the provision of your service, so that you can have projected the profit to be received.
With this you will be able to support the economic proposal to your Client, in case he requests it, as well as to be able to have a means of verification and control of the expense, during the execution of the project or service that has been awarded to you.
THIS IS WHERE DECISION MAKING BECOMES IMPORTANT. Because with this course you will be provided with a pro-active mentality, towards the cost-benefit analysis of any objective in your life, such as:
– Buying your home
– Remodeling your apartment
– Save for your specialization abroad
– Start your business
– Grow your company
And many more things that you may have in mind and that you want to accomplish in a successful way.
Our main goal is to offer a low cost course, so that many people can access, learn and apply to their lives. So, with much humility we say to you, take advantage and enjoy this training that we put for you, whether you are new or expert in these topics.
A hug and prosperity to you.