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Query and interact with databases using SQL

What you will learn

Backup a database

Restore a database

Create stored procedures

Write SQL queries with confidence

Select data from specific table column

Select data from all table columns

Join data from multiple tables

Insert records into the database

Extract data from database using subqueries

Delete records

Query databases with multiple operators

Group data

Aggregate data

Filter Data from database

Sort data from database


SQL or Structured Query Language is a critical tool for data professionals. It is undoubtedly the most important language for getting a job in the field of data analysis or data sciences.

Millions of data points are being generated every minute and raw data does not have any story to tell. After all this data gets stored in databases and professionals use SQL to extract this data for further analysis.

SQL is the most common language for extracting and organising data that is stored in a relational database.

A database is a table that consists of rows and columns. SQL is the language of databases.

It facilitates retrieving specific information from databases that are further used for analysis.

SQL can be used to:

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  • Execute queries against a database
  • Retrieve data from a database
  • Insert records into a database
  • Update records in a database
  • Delete records from a database
  • Create new databases, or new tables in a database
  • Create stored procedures & views in a database
  • Set permissions on tables, procedures, and views
  • Backup and restore data
  • Join data from multiple tables

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other

software applicationsβ€”which may run either on the same computer or on another computer across a network.

PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.



SQL Server Setup
What is SQL Server
SQL Server Editions
Hardware and Software Installation Requirements
Download SQL Server
Install SQL Server
Install SSMS
Connect SSMS to SQL Server
Install Sample Database
Database Concepts
SQL | Microsoft SQL (T-SQL ) Fundamentals
What is SQL
What is Microsoft SQL (T-SQL)
Creating databases
Creating tables
Inserting data into database
Retrieving data from database
Creating Views
Creating stored proedures
Updating Records
Backing up database
Deleting records
Truncating tables
Dropping tables
Dropping database
Restoring database
Filtering data from SQL Server
Filtering data with equality filters
Filtering data with comparisons
Filtering data with logical comparisons
Filtering data with string comparisons
Filtering data with NULL Comparisons
Sorting data from SQL Server Database
Sorting by ascending order
Sorting by descending
Sorting by multiple columns
PostgreSQL Setup
What is PostgreSQL
Installing PostgreSQL on Windows
Installing PostgreSQL on Macs
Installing PostgreSQL on Linux
Installing PgAdmin on Macs
Installing PgAdmin on Linux
Connect PgAdmin to PostgreSQL
Install Sample database
SQL Fundamentals with PostgreSQL Database
Filtering Data
Getting all data from a table
Getting data from specific table
Removing duplicate data
Sorting data
Grouping data
Filtering Groups
Sub Queries
SQL: Query data in PostgreSQL using Operators
Comparison Operators
Between Operators
Not Between Operators
Like Operators
NOT Operator
OR Operator
AND Operator
Combining AND | OR Operator
Limit Operator
IN Operator
Union Operator
Union All Operator
EXCEPT Operator
SQL: Data Aggregation with PostgreSQL
What are Aggregate Functions
AVG Function
COUNT Function
MAX Function
MIN Function
SUM Function
Joining Data from multiple tables in PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL Table Joins
FULL Outer Join