• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Treat your potential clients more humanely by using empathy, sympathy, and compassion for their needs, and win sales

What you will learn

Understand the difference between empathy, sympathy, and compassion

Get sales questions to unlock a greater level of empathy

Learn to create an emotional bond with your sales prospects

Stop dehumanizing you “leads” and create a real personal and human connection with them, and win sales!


Increase your sales effectiveness by adding care and humanity to your sales approach, let care and kindness set you apart, build a real human connection, which will win you sales!


Business is personal. If you get to know each person you are selling to, and ask about their situation, it will help you addresses their exact need, and wow them!


In business, we aren’t as emotionally connected as we might be in our personal life, but it doesn’t mean that business is completely unemotional.

This course will show you how to connect with potential buyers, and build a professional yet emotional connection with them while helping them.

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Most people get a little confused with the distinction of these three terms. Empathy is when you understand your potential buyer’s pain points so much that you begin to feel what they feel. Putting yourself in their shoes like that can help you create a best-possible sales pitch because you’ll understand exactly what they are going through.


Instead of seeing potential customers as bags of money, you’ll learn how to see and treat them humanely, which will get them to respond positively, appreciate you, and through that extra trust, buy from you.

When you care for your clients, they can tell.

Invest in your future! Enroll today!



Introduction and course welcome

Introduction and course welcome

What is empathy, sympathy, and compassion

What is empathy, sympathy, and compassion
Dalai Lama: Kindheartedness is the mindset for empathy and compassion
Emotional Empathy and Cognitive Empathy
More on the distinction between Cognitive Empathy and Emotional Empathy

Starting to use empathy in sales

How I use empathy and Emotional Intelligence in sales
Stopping dehumanization of sales prospects and making interactions humane
Ask questions of your sales leads, learn about their needs to get empathy
The right questions to ask, and how to ask them
How people share emotions
Build a shared experience into your sales process by using empathy
Checklist of times to add empathy to your existing sales approach, and how
Use the product as though you are a client to put yourself in the client’s shoes

Active listening skills

Active listening section introduction
Example of active listening and improved comprehension I had to go through
Cycle of constructive listening and communication
Listening to and getting feedback, even if negative
Example of a listening mistake at a job when I was younger
“Actions speak louder than words” – non-verbal communication

Body language in sales

Non-verbal communication cues for sales
Mirroring the other person’s body language, building rapport, and raising energy
The body language of your eyes
Bring something to take notes with to communicate that this is important for you
Your grooming and how you dress
Open palms and arms visible, even on zoom
Body language using your mouth: smile while talking

Negative impacts of too much empathy

The negative impact of too much empathy
Another negative impact of too much empathy in sales – negotiation tactic


The work of Dr. Allan Schore and sharing of emotions between two people
Takeaways from the Neuroscience symposium on empathy

Emotional Intelligence And Neuroscience: role of emotions in buying decisions

Emotional Intelligence And Neuroscience: role of emotions in buying decisions


Thank you for being a great student in this course on empathy in sales