• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Discover how to use Git Large File Storage in your development projects

What you will learn

Learn how to deal with big files with Git.

Analyze and convert repositories with big files to small repository using Git LFS.

Work in a team using Git LFS.

Explore services that provide Git LFS support.


In this Git LFS Training course, you will learn everything you need to know about Git LFS (Git Large File Storage).

You will learn about:

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  • Git data model and the problem with big files. What is a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) and Git internal objects.
  • How a big file affects a Git repository when you work in a team.
  • How Git LFS internally works (filter and data storing).
  • Install Git LFS in your development computer (on different OS like Windows, Linux, MacOS, …).
  • Configure a new repository to start using it (“.gitattributes” file).
  • Analyze and convert an existing big repository.
  • Valuable tools like BFG Repo-Cleaner to work with Git repositories and understand what large objects are and how can we decrease the size of the repository.
  • Different Git LFS providers (cloud and on-prem) including a cost comparative table.
  • Collaboration when using Git LFS (including resolve a conflict, lock a file and exclude/include specific paths).
  • Alternatives to Git LFS (like git-annex, git-bigfiles, …).

Because I know that consolidating knowledge is important for the student, I include a practical exercise, also a cheatsheet with all the commands that are frequently used with a detailed explanation, and a glossary with the most commonly used terms in Git LFS.

Highly interesting if you work with big files (like Unity projects) and operations in Git start to take longer than normal (in your daily workflow and also in CI/CD tools).




Course structure
Understanding Git LFS

Git LFS, from Zero to Hero

Install and configure Git LFS
Git objects
Git LFS internals
Track files
Exercise: Measure repository size differences using Git LFS
Migrate repositories
Exercise: Migrate repositories
Lock files
Git LFS Alternatives
Git LFS Quiz


Commands cheat sheet