• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:7 mins read

How to Get Out of Debt Easily by Taking the Simple Small Steps and Start Saving for the Future

What you will learn

Why is it so hard to budget and pay our debt & how to solve it

Identify the bad habits and how to fix it

Identify good habits and how to cultivate it

How to Start Budgeting and Living within our Means

A system on how to pay debts & bills


I know its a very difficult time for many families including for us right now as businesses are recording losses and many are losing their jobs during this period. Personally when I walk around, I notice many shops closing up and I see worried faces among grocery buyers as the illusion of ‘job security’ is shattered. In our instinct, among the questions running in our heads is “How do I gain more control on my finances ?”. I have many friends and students asking me how to do so. And with that I created a course on how to Get Out Of Debt – Easily.  Should you be a student among the benefits gained will be as follows :

Gain More Clarity on Your Money

This course shall guide and share with you the steps to enable you to gain more clarity of the money coming in versus going out your pockets on a monthly basis which will enable us greater clarity of our finances.

Having More Security

In this time of so much of uncertainties, many has felt confused, angry and depressed while others want to have a greater control of their environment among which includes their finances. So with this course, I shall teach you how to budget and pay off your debt, that way you will have a greater sense of financial security and less worries.

Help You Succeed

Finally as the saying goes, if we dont plan, we plan to fail. But on the other hand, if you then plan, your chances of success will greatly improve. So in this course I shall share with you a clear workable plan which will help increase your chances of success especially when trying to pay off your debts.

Help You Take Action

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In this course, I shall show you the step by step of paying off your debt. That way, you wont be lost in the information and you would be on your way into having a debt free life.

To date, there are as many as 14,000 currently taking this course and among the feedback of this course are as follows.

“Wonderful course really like it”

“It is very nice and very informative course with a very short videos and direct to the point without waffle! I strongly recommended for everyone who wants to get a good idea and a general overview to learn the Personal Finance : Get Out from Debt Easily!!!”

“It’s a pretty good course and helped me understood how to plan to pay my debts off while keeping track of my budget.”

So lets start your journey in paying off your debt by learning how to do so in this course.



Introduction : What To Expect
Who Am i ?
Why Am I Teaching ?
The Statistics
Introductions for the triggers of spending
Easy of Buying and Credit
Ads the Biggest Trigger
Our Personal Triggers
The Stats
Congrats for Coming This Far
Congrats For Taking the First Step
Lets Get Some Fuel
The Tale of 2 Guys
What will happen to Mr A
What will happen to Mr B
The Stumbling Block
The Fuel : Reasons
Your Reasons
Breaking the Habit
Introduction to New Section
What is A Habit
Mr C & Mr D
Timer For Listing Habits
Breaking Bad Habits
Breaking Bad Financial Habits – Mr E
Mr F
Ms G
Wrapping Up
Creating New Habits
Intro to Budgeting
How to Start
Where to Write ?
Google Sheets
When Shall We Write it Down
Wants vs Needs
Paying Off Debt
System for paying bills
System for paying debt
Should I save ?
Should I pay ?
Thank You and Keep in Touch