• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Gain financial peace by learning to maximize your savings using coupons!

What you will learn

It is the intent of this course for you to learn enough about couponing to make your first haul, start a stockpile, and begin to save lots of money!

You will be so excited that you will want to share this with all your friends, coworkers, and family members so that they too learn to save just by using the couponing techniques taught in this course!


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Have you ever watched “Extreme Couponing” on TLC?  Well, believe it or not saving thousands upon thousands of dollars using coupons and coupon codes for the things you use every day really is a reality!!  

In this course you will learn the basics to using coupons to save money.  How extreme you get and how large of a stockpile you have will be up to you.  Even if you are only looking to save money on the things you normally buy this course is for you!! We we will go over everything from reading policy and coupon limits to how to calculate and where to find the deals.  



Speak Qpon

Qpon Acronyms
Know your Acronyms

No Qponing without Q’s

Where to find Q’s
Beware of Digital Q’s

Organizing Your Qpons

Getting Organized
Using the Envelope Method
Using the Binder Method
Using the Accordion File Method

Finding the Deals

Matching Sales Ads with Q’s
Matching Q’s with Sales Ads
Database Breakdown
Searching Facebook

Qpon Math

Using the Qpon Math App
Is it a TRUE BOGO?

Qponing Ethics

Qpon Store Policy
Reading your Q’s

Qpon Tips

Facebook Notifications!
Links and Apps to help you Save
The importance of Getting a Rain Check!
Using the Paypal App
Stacking Q’s at Target
Store Policy Disclaimer