• Post category:StudyBullet-5
  • Reading time:3 mins read

What you will learn


How do I solve circuits with inductors?


How do I find the initial and final values for current in an inductor circuit?


What is a time constant?


How do I calculate the time constant for a resistor-inductor circuit?


Day 26 of Linear Circuits.  Inductors are one of the three passive circuit components (along with resistors and capacitors).  However, their operation and behavior is often shrouded in mystery.  After seeing what inductors are and how they work in our previous lecture, today, we will see how we can always find the initial and final values for resistor-inductor circuits’ currents and voltages AND specify their entire behavior by just one variable — the time constant, TAU.


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The material covers all of the lecture material from an twenty-sixth lecture in a traditional, sophomore-level linear circuits class.





The Only Four Equations that Can Describe Resistor-Inductor Current and Voltage
The Time Constant Describes How Fast RL Circuits’ Voltages and Currents Decay
The Time Constant Describes How Fast RL Circuits’ Voltages and Currents Rise
An Equation for the Time Constant, Tau, for Resistor-Inductor Circuits
A First Example
Changes in the Time Constant, Tau, Affect the Rate of Decay in RL Circuits
A Second Example