• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:5 mins read

What you will learn


What Is Cryptocurrency And Important Terms To Know Before Getting Started


Getting Started with Binance Exchange


Depositing Funds In Binance


Transfer Between Different wallets on Binance


Spot Trading And Different Types of Order With Practical Examples


Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA)


In This Course you are going to learn what is crypto currency and how we can trade them on Binance exchange

Step by step we will learn all the features of binance from creating an account and Id verification then to start depositing funds in your wallet .. then we will learn what are the different types of wallets available on Binance and after that we will learn how we can start buying and selling the crypto coins .

With all the important trading options .

Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms in which you can exchange one kind of digital asset for another based on the market value of the given assets. The most popular exchanges are currently Binance and GDAX. Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange which is the largest exchange in the world in terms of daily trading volume of cryptocurrencies




What Will Students Learn


What Is Cryptocurrency And Important Terms To Know

Getting Started with Binance Exchange

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Depositing Funds In Binance

Transfer Between Different wallets on Binance

Spot Trading And Different Types of Order

Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA)


This course is for beginners who wants to Learn Cryptocurrency and trading on Binance .

This course is made up of a step by step guide on how to trade different cryptocurrencies on the Binance App.

For easy understanding of this course, I have explained it in two main formats:

One – Using a slide presentation with screenshots

Two – Practical format directly using the Binance App

With the two, anyone can be able to use this course to master how to really trade and make profits in Bitcoin and ALTs Markets.





What Is Cryptocurrency?
Important Cryptocurrency Terms

Binance Exchange

Binance Introduction
Register On Binance
Deposit Funds in Binance
P2P Trading
Transfer Funds in Spot Wallet

Spot Trading

Trading Pairs
Market Order
Limit Order
Stop Limit
OCO Order

Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA)

What Is Dca and Its Benifits