• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Quick Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 6) with Entity Framework Core

What you will learn


Learn structure of ASP NET Core Project Razor Pages (.NET 6)


Create basic CRUD Operation project using Razor Pages


Entity Framework Code First Methodology


Deploy Application to Azure


.NET Core has been evolving drastically and it is probably one of the biggest buzz word in the .NET Domain over few years! Even though .NET Core is more than 5 years old companies are just starting to adopt and transition applications to use .NET Core. This is an introductory course on ASP.NET Core with Razor Pages(.NET 6).

This course is for anyone who is new to asp.net core or who is familiar with ASP.NET and wants to take a first stab at understanding what is different in asp.net core (.NET 6).

Throughout this course we would understand the evolution of ASP.NET Core and then we would take a look at the modified files and folder structure.

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We would build a application with CRUD operations using entity framework for integration with a database with asp.net core Razor Pages.

We will learn validations with .NET Core and learn basic concepts like partial view, integrating Toastr alerts, TempData and much more!

BONUS: We will also host our application on Azure! 🙂 Because of time constraint I will have a link at the end of video that will take you to more few features that you will learn on this project!

This course will give you a solid foundation in no time as you will be confident to take on more complex projects that I teach in other courses.



Live Preview
7 introduction to .net core
5 Dependency injection
12 Create Project
13 razor pages introduction_razor
14 project file _razor
15 Launchsettings, wwwroot and appsettings_razor
16 Programcs_razor
18 Routing overview_razor
20 Default Views_razor
Category Model and Database
4 Create Category Model
5 Data Annotations
6 Connection String
7 ApplicationDbContext
8 Program.cs Database Settings
9 Create Database
Create and List Category
1 Categories Get Action Method
3 Display all categories
4 Add Create Category Button
5 Create Category UI
6 Create Property in Page Model
7 Create Category and Bind Property
8 Bootswatch
Server Side Validation
Custom Validation
Display Name and Range Annotation
Client Side Validation