• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Learn The Fundamental Framework For Business Process Improvement

What you will learn

Fundamentals of Business Process Improvement (BPI)

Learn the essential steps for process improvement

Employ industry-standard techniques for analyzing the root cause of process problems

Tips for crafting practical solutions

How to leverage tools such as flowcharts to build brand-new business processes

Defining your organization’s strategic goals and purposes

Techniques to evaluate your business goals

Aligning the business processes to realize your organization’s goals

Much more


In this course you will learn the fundamentals of Business Process Improvement (BPI) and how to implement it for your organization.

Business process improvement is the key skill set managers and professionals need to reduce costs, shorten service/cycle time, enhance customer value, and deploy results-oriented solutions.

Business process improvement efforts can increase quality, reduce costs and waste, increase operational efficiency, and enhance productivity.

This course explores the need for a business process focus, the essential steps for process improvement, and the critical success factors for making the effort successful. This course goes over the fundamentals of a good business process, as well as why some processes just don’t work.

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We’ll get into tips for crafting practical solutions that solve real problems at your company. We’ll get into how to leverage tools such as flowcharts to build brand-new business processes, and how to sell your solutions to stakeholders.

You become proficient in the use of systematic BPI techniques to evaluate your business goals, resources and processes, resulting in significant improvements to overall organizational productivity.

This course provides a practical framework for improving processes, process improvement concepts and techniques, and valuable tips on how to introduce process change into the organization and to get the most from your process improvement.





Business Process Fundamentals

Understanding business process
Bad business process
Good processes with limitations
Cow path theory

Change Agent

Become a change agent
Discover goals and seek feedback
Solutions that work

Tools & Techniques for Process Improvements

Case study: Stakeholders and goals
Tool: Block diagram
Technique: Manage your scope

The Process of Improving a Process

Case study: Desired state
Present state of business process
Gap analysis and scope
Investigate, research, analyze, and share
Develop process solutions and implementation plan
Selling your solution

