Lets start with competitive programming. Learn and implement optimized and efficient codes.

What you will learn

Basic competitive programming concepts

Important algorithms with time complexity

Coding tips and shortcuts

Coding implementation of all basic concepts

C++ Standard Template Library


Competitive programming is the art of solving problems. It is a kind of brain exercise and every programmer takes an effort to ace the competitive programming competitions. In these competitions, what matters actually is the space or memory and the time that the code takes. The best solution is always the one in which both are efficient.

If you are the one who is an aspiring pro coder, the command of basics is all that matters.

This is the course made for complete beginners in C++ programming and covers all the basic concepts such as time complexity analysis, important algorithms such as Kadanes Algorithm and Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithm, C++ Standard Template Library, and Recursion.

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In each video tutorial, I will explain one concept and solve an example related to it i.e. implement code for the given problem with an explanation of each step. For every solution, I will discuss the possible recursive approaches and optimized approaches with smaller time complexities.

By the end of this course, a learner will be able to solve easy to medium-level problems on competitive coding websites such as Codechef and Codeforces. So, put yourself on the track to learning something productive and beneficial.

Enjoy the learning !!



Introduction to Content

Course content

Time complexity analysis

Big O & Big θ notations

Tips and Shortcuts

Tips & layout making


Arrays concept & operations
Practice problem 1 – missing number
Practice problem 2 – Prefix sum

Kadane’s algorithm

Kadane’s Algo Concept & solved example

Binary Search

Binary search Algo Concept & solved example

Number Theory

Prime number detection
Factors of a number
Sieve of Eratosthenes

C++ Standard Template Library

Vectors, Queues and Stacks


Recursion concept & solved example


Final Instructions