• Post category:StudyBullet-3
  • Reading time:4 mins read

SAP Operations could be Automated by use of Robotic Process Automation – a free tool UiPath StudioX Community edition.

What you will learn

Automation of Data Entry and other operation in SAP could save a lot of time, so that could use the time saved in other activities.

The course has been divided into five parts, moving step by step to make a working project.

UiPath StudioX Community edition is free of any cost for using. The profile StudioX is for non programmers, so could be used easily.

We will learn to make a working project which will enter data (General Journal Documents) in SAP taking data from Excel spread sheet.


There are various ways to automate desktop operations, by using varied methods of Robotic Process Automations. This course is to use one of the popular RPA tool UiPath Studio. The course provides a step by step to learn to make robots for automatic the operations of SAP, and extend the creativity to another horizon. The example taken from the real world scenario, where a large volume of accounting general journal documents were posted without human intervention.

What about those who are non technical person? The common users.  Well there are various tools available to automate the Data Entry in SAP,  automating the process which involves SAP and Other Applications like MS Excel, Emails, WhatsApp messages, OneDrive, Google Drive and so on.

So, one can email a statement of accounts to a registered email of a customer automatically upon receiving a request from the registered customer, by getting data from SAP Systems and then emailing the statement of accounts to the customer through Email Client or Gmail.

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I will introduce in front of you, a popular Robotic Process Automation or RPA, the UiPath. There are two profile available, one is UiPath Studio and another is UiPath StudioX. The UiPath Studio is a community edition, thus it is available with zero price.



The Beginning
The Beginning – Download and Install UiPath Studio Community Edition and Play.
Dive into the UiPath StudioX with SAP GUI
Dive into the UiPath StudioX with MS Excel
End – Complete the workable Project – Automating Operation in SAP
Make the Robot – End
Enroll for Free

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