Learn the basics of art and archicture history
What you will learn
Art History
Art Terms
Art Materials
Why take this course?
This short course gives an introduction toΒ art and architecture history, styles, materials and epochs. The first chapter introducesΒ the term art and art styles like the usage of the so-called broken color. The second part covers the history very superficially from the antique (e.g. the famous Venus of Milo) over gothic buildings (Castle Chambord in France for example) and impressionist paintings (e.g. by Claude Monet) to today (e.g. street art). The third part introduces different art materials such as fresco, egg tempura and water color. At the end of the course you will know some more art vocabulary: names of important artists, names of art styles and materials. The course does not have a look at arts like literature, music and performing arts like dancing.
I do not have any art history background but am interested in the topic and did this course touching only the surface of the topic out of fun. I am not a professional art teacher but that’s also why this course is for free. Happy to receive feedback!
There is no prior knowledge required as the course only touches the surface of a huge topic.
Basic English language skills are however necessary to follow the course.
There are no specific softwares or tools necessary – a modern smartphone to listen and watch the videos and to to do the short quizzes should be fine.
Participants should be interested in art and architecture and hopefully be even more interested in this topic after the course.
The course is 34 minutes long and you can plan in around 5 to 10 additional minutes for the quizzes. The quizzes give you the chance to get active and test your learning.