Exploring the Anti-Christ’s Origins, Prophecies, and Role in End Times Eschatology
What you will learn
Understand the origins, nature, and future role of the anti-Christ in Christian eschatology.
Understand the anti-Christ’s ruthless nature and ultimate defeat by Jesus at Armageddon.
Understand Satan’s influence on Islamic leaders to empower the anti-Christ as the prophesied al-Mahdi.
Understand the anti-Christ’s immortality and his demand for worship as God, resisted by the saints.
Why take this course?
This course offers an in-depth exploration of the scriptural references and prophecies concerning the anti-Christ, his origins, and his role in the end times. Students will examine the Apostle Johnβs identification of the anti-Christ, his various titles such as the son of perdition and the lawless one, and the supernatural nature attributed to him due to his part-angelic heritage. The course will also delve into the eschatological significance of the anti-Christ, including his return to earth, his alliance with global leaders influenced by Satan, and his ultimate confrontation with the Lord Jesus at the battle of Armageddon. Special attention will be given to the anti-Christ’s demand for worship and his persecution of the saints, as well as the implications of his perceived divinity among men. Through a detailed study of these themes, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the anti-Christβs role within the broader narrative of Christian eschatology.
This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is intended to give a basic understanding of what the bible says about the subject of the person of the anti-Christ.
Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through this subject. As a supplementary resource, this course can be taken in tandem with reading Michael Maherβs book, Reign of the anti-Christ.
I trust the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening.