• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:14 mins read

Discover an innovative mindset filled with future-ready solutions to become a disruptive leader in your industry.

What you will learn

Enhance Idea Evaluation: Learn to assess ideas objectively using strategic criteria with FutureThink’s Idea Screener tool.

Master Risk Analysis: Learn to analyze both short and long-term risks associated with innovative projects.

Streamline Your Innovation Pipeline: Discover the five steps to smoothly advance projects through the innovation pipeline.

Metric-Driven Success: Learn to establish leading and lagging metrics for evaluating project success.

Foster Innovation: Clear obstacles to spark innovation.

Problem-Solving: Master a framework for creative thinking and solving complex problems.

Risk Management: Determine your company’s risk tolerance.

Team Empowerment: Boost team empowerment by expediting decision-making.

Innovation Focus: Inspire a commitment to innovation for yourself and your teams.

Revenue Potential: Identify potential areas of increased revenue within existing products and services

Future Vision: Nurture your ability to envision beyond the present state and ideate the possible future

Active Reinvention: Embrace fresh perspectives and reconceptualization of your offerings

Gradual Enhancement: Accelerate your proficiency in incremental innovation

Customer Understanding: Discover untapped business potential

Mutual Benefit: Decode customer needs in a way that benefits you too

Unmet Customer Needs: Focus on unfulfilled customer needs to unearth new paths for business opportunity

Emphasize Innovation: Make innovation fun and clear for teams.

Inspire and Aim: Discover inspiring ideas as a team and establish clear innovation goals.

Incentivize Integration: Add innovation to your reward program

Consider Bold Ideas: Broaden your horizons to consider bold ideas for partnerships.

Diversify Insights: Leverage the power of different perspectives.

Uncover New Partnerships: Discover possibilities in previously untapped areas.

Envision the Future: Use the brain’s natural capacity to absorb information to aid your team in future planning.

Forecast Trends: Organize information about prospective trends that will impact your industry.

Advance Your Leadership: Take your forward-thinking leadership to the next level.

Strategize Proactively: Equip your team to foresee external threats to your company and adapt to future challenges.

Mitigate Potential Risks: Help your teams identify, prepare for, and influence emerging issues.

Embrace Creativity: Think outside the box in the face of constraints.


Unleash your innovation potential and transform your creative ideas into thriving, successful realities. This course will teach you how to strategically embark on an innovation path, starting with soliciting and screening potential innovative ideas through various collaborative and brainstorming techniques. Delve deep into assessing the balance, viability, and promise of your idea pipeline, and establish robust metrics to evaluate your innovation triumphs consistently. Understand the importance of iterating and refining your concepts to maximize their potential impact.

Innovative strategies may occasionally encounter resistance or hesitation; this course will equip you with essential techniques to identify and overcome such barriers. The course fosters a risk-positive attitude, providing guidelines for taking and committing to smart innovative risks while mitigating potential losses. Learn about the importance of experimentation and calculated risk-taking to foster a growth-driven environment. Harness the power of strategic and thoughtful innovation to drive impactful, transformative changes within your organization and extend its influence beyond.

In addition, you will learn about fostering a conducive work culture that encourages creativity, collaboration, and ongoing learning among team members, ensuring continued improvement and progress. Increase your capacity for innovation and position both yourself and your organization at the forefront of your industry by implementing innovative strategies and embracing an agile mindset.

Uncover untapped potential in your current offerings, while staying vigilant to evolving customer demands. Successful innovators understand that no intellectual property (IP) is ever truly “dead.” You will discover novel methods to repurpose, repackage, and reinvent existing IPs into fresh products and services that consumers desire and require. By creating new value from existing offerings and exploring avenues to connect with untapped customer bases, you can significantly elevate your product’s value. This course will help you to see beyond the current situation and envision what could be possible.

Customer satisfaction lies at the core of a business’s success. By examining your products and services from the customer’s point of view, you can unveil opportunities to better address their needs and earn their loyalty. This process involves enhancing the customer experience associated with your products and services, pinpointing, and eliminating pain points, and analyzing potential new business opportunities to expand your reach.

The key to unlocking untapped potential in your existing offerings is to stay vigilant in response to the ever-changing demands of customers. As their needs evolve, so should your products and services. By continually refining your approach, you can ensure that customers continue to find value in your offerings and remain loyal to your brand.

Innovation and agility lay the bedrock of a forward-thinking culture. This course empowers you to align and invigorate your team’s innovative spirit. Dive deep into the nuances of innovation and pinpoint unique sources for your inspiration that engage your team’s diversity of thought. The course will teach you to identify influential figures from distinct industries and fields that can stimulate your team and motivate innovative behaviors. Drawing lessons from successful innovators, you will learn effective strategies to weave innovation within your work and encourage a culture of innovation amongst your team members.

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A single mind can spark an idea, but numerous minds working together cultivate a garden of diverse and rich perspectives. This course unravels how you can harness the power of collaboration. You will learn to embrace a dynamic and modern approach to employee incentivization, which will deepen engagement in your team members. You will encourage sharing work-in-progress assets, benefiting from frequent and early collaboration with team members, fostering an environment of transparency and mutual learning.

The course will teach you to refine your collaborative approach and unveil unconventional partners to create groundbreaking innovations. Venture beyond traditional thinking and partner boundaries; explore and identify potential allies in both familiar and unexplored terrains. Elevate beyond using collaborative tools and actively engage in collaborative action by cultivating a flexible and innovative mindset.

Are you striving for continuous success in an ever-changing world? This course offers a tailored strategy to help you pave the way for ongoing achievement. You will begin to crystallize your vision of future success and align that vision with your team. You will be empowered to leverage industry trends and predict future opportunities and breakthroughs. The course will teach you to expound on your grand ideas, unite on strategic visions, and articulate a visionary blueprint for your organization.

The training fosters critical thinking skills with interactive, progressive questioning techniques. These are designed to future-proof your mindset, equipping you with viable skills to anticipate and manage change effectively. Be prepared to thrive and prosper far into tomorrow.

The future holds countless opportunities for your success; it also holds possible threats. The course lays out a comprehensive road map for you to identify and stay ahead of the most pressing threats faced by your industry and organization. Shield your business by identifying emerging trends, vulnerabilities, and external threats proactively. You will learn to innovate from a perspective of constraint, not abundance.

The course will aid in fortifying your team by instilling principles of adaptability and resilience. Empowered with enhanced agility, you’ll be ready to surmount future challenges swiftly and efficiently. Ride the wave of the future with confidence.



Screen Ideas

Idea Screaner
Idea Screener

Portfolio Balancing

Portfolio Balancing
Portfolio Balancing

Managing Your Innovation Pipeline

Managing Your Innovation Pipeline
Managing Your Innovation Pipeline

Innovation Metrics for Success

Innovation Metrics for Success
Innovation Metrics for Success

Overcoming Innovation Barriers

Overcoming Innovation Barriers
Overcoming Innovation Barriers

From Impossible to Possible

From Impossible to Possible
From Impossible to Possible

Define a Smart Risk

Define a Smart Risk
Define a Smart Risk

Empowerment Rules

Empowerment Rules
Empowerment Rules

Commit to Innovation

Commit to Innovation
Commit to Innovation

Where/When/How/Who Else?

Where/When/How/Who Else?
Where/When/How/Who Else?



40 New Opportunities

40 New Opportunities
40 New Opportunities

Plus 3 Minus 3

Plus 3 Minus 3
Plus 3 Minus 3

Day in the Life of a Customer

Day in the Life of a Customer
Day in the Life of a Customer

From Pain to Gain

From Pain to Gain
From Pain to Gain

Hunting Grounds

Hunting Grounds
Hunting Grounds

$10 Field Trip

$10 Field Trip
$10 Field Trip

Innovation Heroes

Innovation Heroes
Innovation Heroes

Incentivize Employees to Innovate

Incentivize Employees to Innovate
Incentivize Employees to Innovate

Partners for Innovation

Partners for Innovation
Partners for Innovation

Sharing Works in Progress

Sharing Works in Progress
Sharing Works in Progress

Within, Adjacent, and Beyond

Within, Adjacent, and Beyond
Within, Adjacent, and Beyond

Picture the Future

Picture the Future
Picture the Future

Futures Wheel

Futures Wheel
Futures Wheel

One Year From Now

One Year From Now
One Year From Now

Kill the Company

Kill the Company
Kill the Company

Getting Ahead of Emerging Issues

Getting Ahead of Emerging Issues
Getting Ahead of Emerging Issues

Wild Cards

Wild Cards
Wild Cards