Only Course You Need To Manage Your Time And Your Life
What you will learn
Time Management
Setting Goals
Task Management
Schedule Management
Managing Daily Tasks
Deadline Management
Overcoming Obstacles to Productivity
Measuring Your Time Management Skills
Are you wondering if this course is right for you or not ? Let me help you. I have covered 2 important of life in this course. If you have a problem with any of them then this course is definitely for you. Let me tell you this course will not help you in time management. Instead, it will solve all major problems of your life related to time management. As I mentioned it covered 2 major sections like:-
Section 1, What is Time Management?, The term time management means different things to different people. This chapter lays a common frame of understanding by exploring what people believe about time management, enumerating the benefits of time management, formally defining the term time management, briefly going over the history of time management, and showing how time management can lead to success. There are many important lessons in this section like:- What is time, signs of poor time management, benefits of time management, activity management, event control, underlying problem of time management.
Section 2, Setting Goals, sets a clear direction by establishing values, visions, and goals. When values, visions, goals, and actions are congruent, the results will be in line with expectations. There are many important lessons in this section like:- Setting goals, value system, values, goals, short term objectives, benefit of having smart goal, daily activity,